Tag Archives: Iran


Iran freed Sarah Shroud, one of the three American hikers arrested last year, from prison. South Korea stopped Kia exports to Iran.


Iran: Ayatollah speaks of a plan of Koran abuses


The IAEA named a new nuclear inspector for Iran. Ayatollah Khamenei issued a fatwa to kill those who burn the Koran. Tehran criticized a $60 billion US arms deal to Saudi Arabia. The Iranian diplomat who resigned is seeking political asylum in Finland.


Bridging the Gulf: Bahrain’s big experiment with democracy


A senior Iranian diplomat in Finland resigned and joined the opposition. Tehran will release a female American hiker from jail if a $500,000 bail is posted. Police detained several suspects in the July bombing of the Zahedan Grand Mosque. Iran claimed that supplies of foreign gasoline have increased despite sanctions.


West needs new missile shield against Iranian nuclear threat, NATO chief says


The chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said the Bushehr nuclear reactor would go online in the next month. Bahrain’s interior minister said Iran had no links to recently arrested “spy cells.” Tehran canceled the release of a female American hiker accused of spying.


Tehran denied claims of the existence of a second secret enrichment site. Iran will free a woman held on espionage charges. Supreme Leader Khamenei said Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are a Zionist cover-up.


The non-alignment movement published a statement in support of the Iranian nuclear program. US Secretary of State Clinton described “a new moment” for US leadership in the Middle East. Police detained an Iranian opposition leader.

Special Groups active in Iraqi south

Logo for the Hezbollah Brigades from a propaganda video released on the Internet. The Iranian-backed Shia terror groups collectively known as the Special Groups (a term coined by US forces in 2007) have stepped up attacks in the Iraqi south, according to reports from the region. An official told Voices of Iraq that the Hezbollah […]


South Korea imposed new sanctions on Iran. Beijing urged Tehran to cooperate with the IAEA. Cuban President Fidel Castro criticized President Ahmadinejad’s anti-Seminism.


Italy: President warns Iran against Sakineh’s stoning


Iran claimed the right to choose UN inspectors to oversee nuclear efforts. South Korea is ready to impose modest new sanctions on Iran. Tehran criticized a Palestinian spokesman for speaking out against Ahmadinejad.


President Ahmadinejad said any attack on Iran “would be tantamount to the elimination of the Zionist regime from the political geography.” Iran is reportedly paying Taliban fighters $1,000 for every US soldier killed in Afghanistan. Bahrain has accused Iran of involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.


Vatican: stoning in Iran adultery case ‘brutal’


Japan approved tighter economic sanctions against Iran. General Hasan Firouzabadi said Tehran could strike Israel’s nuclear reactor if attacked. A pro-government militia attacked the home of Mahdi Karroubi.


Ahmadinejad predicts the removal of ‘Zionists’ from the world


Former British Prime Minister Blair called for the West to use force if Iran “continues to develop nuclear weapons.” The Iranian media called for France’s first lady to die.


Ali Akbar Salehi announced that Tehran will produce medical reactor fuel by next year. Iran’s foreign minister said a partial withdrawal of US troops from Iraq is “unacceptable.” Fidel Castro announced a plan to stop an Israel-Iran nuclear war.


An Iranian official said Tehran will strike Israel’s Dimona reactor if attacked. The Iranian state media called Mrs. Sarkozy “first prostitute.” Tehran unveiled 4,000 new telecom projects.

Al Qaeda

Every corner in the region is frightened – interview with Iraq’s Ayad Allawi