Tag Archives: Iran


A spokesman for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps denied a Wikileaks report that said the unit’s commander slapped President Amhedinejad. The government executed eight drug smugglers and four criminals.

More on Iranian activities in Afghanistan

An Afghan who had served as the chief of police for the western province of Farah, which borders Iran, recently stated that “insurgents” have admitted during interrogations that Iran actively supports the Taliban. From TOLO News: “Some captured insurgents have confessed during investigations that they were trained in training centres located in border areas,” former […]


Israel estimated that Iran is three years away from producing a nuclear weapon due to setbacks in Tehran’s proliferation program. The removal of subsidies on basic goods in Iran has caused political tensions between Supreme Leader Khamenei and President Ahmadinejad.


President Ahmadinejad announced that Iran is now a “nuclear state.” Iranian fuel consumption has fallen by 20 percent one week after the government ended petroleum subsidies.


Iran executed two men, including one who was accused of being an “Israeli spy.” Interior Minister Najjar accused the CIA and Mossad of sponsoring terror groups based in Pakistan such as Jundallah.


Iraqi prime minister says US troops must leave next year as planned


Iran corruption claims stoke political infighting


Iran’s intelligence minister admits hacking into opposition e-mail


Interior Minister Najjar said that he still cannot confirm reports that Pakistan arrested Jundallah leader Abdul Rauf Rigi. Iran agreed to lift a three-week-long blockade of fuel tankers entering Afghanistan. A court sentenced an “Israeli” spy” to death.


Why Ahmadinejad is dismissing high-level Iranian officials


Iran poised to execute student accused of being Kurd terrorist


Iran claimed it will launch two new satellites into earth’s orbit by March 2011. Iran’s natural gas exports to Turkey hit a record high this year; Iran hopes to make $50 billion annually in natural gas exports.


Iran cannot confirm that Pakistan has detained the new leader of Jundallah. The chief of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps claimed that Qatar is ready to deepen military ties with Iran. President Ahmedinejad claimed UN sanctions have failed.

Afghan forces have captured Qods Force operatives in the past

ISAF has retracted its statement that a Taliban commander who smuggled weapons from Iran was also a Qods Force operative. My sources maintain that the Taliban commander is indeed linked to Qods Force. This BBC article, which notes that Qods Force members have been detained by Afghan security forces in the past, may provide some […]


Swiss official urges charging three with nuke smuggling


Pakistan, Iran jockey for influence after bombings


Casualties in Iran’s latest earthquake rose to 40. Lebanese members of parliament denounced Supreme Leader Khamenei’s comments on the investigation of the assassination of Rafiq Hariri. Iran boosted the domestic production of gasoline to 1 billion liters.


Iran executed 11 Jundallah suspects in connection with recent bombings. Petroleum prices quadrupled after the government ended subsidies. Adm. Mullen reassured Gulf allies that the US will prevent Iranian military hegemony in the Persian Gulf.


A parliamentary commission voted to cut off diplomatic relations with Britain. The US suspected Indian companies were aiding Iran’s missile program and Syria’s chemical and biological programs. Police deployed in Tehran as food and fuel subsidy cuts began.


The Chairman of the US Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mullen said Iran is still pursuing nuclear weapons, and said the US is prepared to deal with Iranian aggression. Pakistan said it would cooperate with Iraq in investigating the Chabahar suicide attack.


Two Iranian-Americans were charged with executing a money laundering scheme to send money to Iran. Tehran arrested eight suspects in connection with the Chabahar suicide bombing.


Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki is concerned about a possible oil deal between Chevron and Iran on the Iran-Iraq border. An American citizen is accused of trying to sell military equipment to Russia and Iran. Russia announced plans to team up with Iran to fight terror. International sanctions have forced Iran to reduce its aid to […]


Jundallah claimed two of its suicide bombers targeted the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in an attack at a mosque in Chabahar in Sistan and Balouchestan province. Forty-one people were killed and more than 100 were wounded. Iran said it captured one of the bombers.


North Korean nuclear ability seen to far outpace Iran’s


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has designated Ali Akbar Salehi, his nuclear chief and ally, as ‘caretaker’ foreign minister, replacing Manouchehr Mottaki. King Abdullah of Jordan plans to meet with the Iranian president. Israeli Defense Minister Barak traveled to the US to discuss Iran and Mideast diplomacy.