Tag Archives: Iran


Parliament Speaker Larijani blamed recent terrorist attacks in Iran on Israel. The cultural minister pledged to strengthen ties between Iran and Armenia. An American-Israeli group claimed Egypt’s El Baradei is a stooge of the Iranian regime.

Another al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander targeted in Farah

ISAF and Afghan forces continue to target the al Qaeda and Qods Force-linked cells in Farah and Nimroz provinces. Special operations forces captured another Taliban commander in the Afghan west associated with “foreign fighters,” or al Qaeda. From the ISAF press release: Afghan and coalition forces detained a Taliban leader along with two suspected insurgents […]


The Netherlands suspended ties with Iran after a Dutch citizen was executed by Iranian officials. The defense minister said Iran is developing new missiles and satellites, while President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would put a man in space by 2021.


Ayatolah Khatami said the political unrest in Egypt and the Middle East is “inspired by Iran’s Islamic revolution.” Iran hanged a Dutch-Iranian woman after accusing her of smuggling.

Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and revolution

“I herewith proclaim to those (Western leaders) who still do not want to see the realities that the political axis of the new Middle East will soon be Islamic rulership and a democracy based on religion,” senior Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said on Friday during public prayers in Tehran. “All these protests in Egypt, […]


Iran: Online Islamic law encylopedia ‘Wiqifiqh’ launched


Tehran announced that the Bushehr nuclear power plant will open on April 9. Iran may stop oil shipments to India if payment problems are not resolved.

Sadr’s return short-lived after threats from Asaib al Haq

Remember all of the fawning coverage of Muqtada al Sadr as the new kingmaker and the most powerful man in Iraq after his return to the country on Jan. 5? So much for a triumphant return by Sadr; he’s fled Iraq yet again (he has already spent three-plus years in Iran, between 2007-2011). This time […]


Iran’s deputy foreign minister reiterated Tehran’s peaceful intentions for its nuclear program. UK banks froze the account of Iran’s English news service, PressTV. A series of earth quakes hit Iran’s Kerman province.


President Ahmadinejad lashed out at his political rivals during a recent speech. Israel’s Vice President said Iran is taking Lebanon hostage by supporting Hezbollah in political upheaval. Germany sent senior diplomats to Iran to secure the release of imprisoned journalists.


The head of military intelligence for the Israeli Knesset said that sanctions are not delaying advances in Iran’s nuclear program. Venezuela will resume gasoline shipments to Iran after a two-year break.


ISAF says Taliban lead Afghan war from Pakistan and elsewhere using cell phones


France is pushing for tougher sanctions on Iran after failed international negotiations. The US’ point man on he sanctions regime against Iran is set to retire. Law enforcement officials in Tehran announced the creation of a new cyber police force to monitor the internet.

Tony Blair links Iran and al Qaeda

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair discussed the “link” between Iran and al Qaeda in his testimony before the Iraq Inquiry on Friday. Blair cited British intelligence reports pointing to collusion between the two in Iraq, and urged UK officials to look at the issue in a “broader context” as well.


The US and the European Union are “disappointed” over the latest round of failed nuclear talks with Iran. Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator said there is no need for direct talks with the US.

Competing interests: The United States, Iraq, and Iraq’s neighbors

On December 5, The New York Times noted that while “Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was a regional menace that sent shudders through its neighbors,” today Iraq finds it difficult to restrain the ambitions of countries that share its borders — particularly as the US prepares to withdraw. The Times notes that this meddling by Iraq’s neighbors […]


Representatives from Iran and the six world powers began meetings in Turkey to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. US policymakers urged President Obama to remove the MEK from the terror list. Tehran promised to end the Afghan fuel blockade.


‘Germany is encouraging trade with Teheran’ – Israeli diplomat


Russia cautioned the US not to undermine new negotiations with Iran by threatening more sanctions. An Iranian police chief suggested new cyber police monitor Iranians’ web activity.


President Ahmadinejad said that the West has no option but to cooperate with a nuclear Iran. Hong Kong will pass laws that allow the confiscation of Iranian shipping assets.