Tag Archives: Iran


Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi was forced to leave Bolivia after Argentina attempted to enforce an Interpol warrant for his arrest for his involvement in the 1994 bombing that killed 85 people. Russia’s foreign minister said there is “no proof” that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly backed President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, putting an end to months of speculation over a rift between the two. Iran said the detention of a diplomat in Egypt was a “misunderstanding that has been resolved.”


Egypt’s state security service is interrogating an Iranian diplomat who is suspected of “spying for a foreign country to harm the interests of Egypt.” Iran has denied the diplomat was arrested.


The International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran is developing a triggering device for nuclear weapons, and its nuclear program is recovering from the Stuxnet virus. Iran’s intellignece minister said the “confessions” of CIA spies would be aired on state television.


Watchdog finds evidence that Iran worked on nuclear triggers


The International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran is increasing its uranium stockpiles. The US imposed economic sanctions on seven foreign firms, including Venezuela’s state oil company, for their dealings with Iran.


The European Union has tightened sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear program. President Ahmedinejad said Western countries are “using special equipment” to drain clouds of rain and cause droughts in the Middle East.


Iran ‘ignores’ earthquake threat to nuclear plant


Iran: Alleged CIA spies included government officials


Iran’s supreme leader and president wrestle for power


Iranian intelligence claimed to have dismantled a US spy ring and arrested 24 people. The alleged spies were gathering information at “universities and scientific research centers, and in the field of nuclear energy, aerospace, defense and biotechnology industries.”


A female Al Jazeera journalist who was detained in Syria and transferred to Iran has been released in Qatar. The IAEA fears that Iran has hacked officials’ computers and cell phones.