Tag Archives: Iran

Appeal denied for HIG facilitator detained at Gitmo

Shawali-Khan.jpgThe DC Circuit Court denied a Guantanamo detainee’s appeal yesterday. The detainee, Shawali Khan, was a facilitator for Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin prior to his capture in 2002. According to a leaked file, Khan’s cell in Kandahar received weapons and other support from Iran.


The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said it will open its nuclear program to five years of ‘full supervision’ by the UN atomic energy agency if the world body lifts its sanctions. However, that ‘full supervision’ would have limits. Up to 300,000 Iranians may have had their Google email monitored using security certificates stolen […]

United States

‘Top Secret America’: A look at the military’s Joint Special Operations Command


Almost 40 years in construction, the Bushehr nuclear power plant begins supplying electricity to the national grid. Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces launched a new offensive against Kurdish PAJK rebels in northwestern Iran.


Iran “charm offensive” fails to ease nuclear fears


Iran’s nuclear chief claimed the country is prepared to cooperate more closely with the IAEA. The Defense Ministry said it was manufacturing its own anti-armor missiles.


Israel “could not stop” nuclear Iran with one strike


A court sentenced an Iranian man to death for assassinating a nuclear scientist; Iran claimed he was an agent of Israel. Iran said it would defend Syria if NATO intervened. Iran “discreetly” provided food and medical aid to Libyan rebels.


Iran Calls on Syria to Recognize Citizens’ Demands


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashes out at Israel in Quds Day speech

Senior al Qaeda leader reportedly killed

Atiyah_Rahman.jpg Atiyah Abd al Rahman, a top al Qaeda leader, was reportedly killed on August 22. Senior US intelligence officials contacted by The Long War Journal would neither confirm nor deny Atiyah’s death. Atiyah was al Qaeda’s “general manager” and Osama bin Laden’s “chief of staff,” according to a senior US intelligence official.


Unsettled Neighbors Leave Israel With Difficult Policy Choices


Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leader Wants Reforms Across The Arab World


Iran has begun to transfer uranium enrichment centrifuges from the facility in Natanz to an installation in Fordow, near Qom. The IAEA said the move was a “further deviation” from UN Security Council sanctions.


Foreign funds for Hamas hit by Syria unrest: diplomats


Two US hikers who were arrested by Iranian forces and imprisoned in 2009 are said to have been sentenced to eight years in jail for allegedly entering the country illegally and spying. A third US hiker was released on bail last year.