Iraq Completes Deal to Buy F-16s
Iraq Completes Deal to Buy F-16s
The IAEA reported that Iran has enhanced its enrichment of uranium and has installed more sophisticated centrifuges. “We believe if Iran broke out now they could have a bomb in six months,” said a former weapons inspector. President Ahmadinejad visited Sudan to expand trade and political ties, and the Industries minister emphasized mutual cooperation with […]
New A.Q. Khan Documents Suggest Pakistan Spread Nuclear Weapon Technology
Hezbollah leader could get military tribunal in US
A recent CNN article looks at how the two countries perceive their roles in the region, as well as their views on each other and the current “Arab Spring” unrest.
US to provide drones to Turkey: Erdogan
President Ahmadinejad said Iran would stop producing enriched uranium if it is guaranteed fuel for a medical research reactor. At the same time, Tehran is holding talks with Russia about building another nuclear power plant. Iran’s nuclear efforts are hit by sabotage. The Revolutionary Guards have stolen dozens of Russian-made surface-to-air missiles from Libya and […]
Iran Adds Palestine Statehood Wrinkle
Iran’s Ahmadinejad attacks West, prompts walk-out
Iran freed two US hikers jailed for spying. Venezuela and Cuba defended Iran’s right to run a nuclear program. The EU gave a blanket offer to resume Iran nuclear talks. US-based Iranian opposition groups said Iranians will take to the streets on Friday.
Hisham Muhammad Isma’il Abu Ghazala is also linked to Ansar al Islam and has served as an IED and attack facilitator in northern Iraq.
Just one month ago Prime Minister Maliki was accused of being a stooge of the Iranians.
Khamenei throws the gauntlet at the West
US Is Quietly Getting Ready for Syria Without Assad
US officials are considering establishing a direct military hotline with Iran. Iranian forces would finish off the Kurdish rebel group, PJAK, “in the coming days”, said Iran’s ground forces commander. Iranian authorities have arrested a group of filmmakers and accused them of working for the BBC Persian service, which is banned in the country.
US Weighs a Direct Line to Tehran
Iran has provided sniper units to kill Syrian protesters targeted by the regime of President Bashar Assad. Belarus is the latest country that Western powers suspect of helping Iran to skirt UN sanctions aimed at preventing Tehran from expanding its ballistic missile and nuclear programs.
Turkey “may act with Iran against PKK in Iraq”
The head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization said Iran needs to work out a new paradigm and model for defense against cyber attacks. A court set a $500,000 bail for two US hikers in custody for spying.
Alarmed West dismisses Iran nuclear “charm offensive”
Iraq: Iranian connected militia member arrested
Berlin Terror Suspects: Alleged Connections to Afghanistan
Middle East: Iran praises sacking of Israeli embassy in Cairo
Beyond Cairo, Israel Sensing a Wider Siege
Counterfeit Dollars Flooding Afghanistan
Many Iraqis Have Second Thoughts as US Exit Nears
The 9/11 Decade
Google has advised users of its online services in Iran to change their passwords following the theft of Internet security certificates from a Dutch company. In its offensive against Kurdish PJAK rebels, Iranian forces killed the PJAK second in command and the PJAK killed an Iranian Republican Guard general.
The Iranian president made an appeal to Syria to end violence and open dialogue with opposition. “A military solution is never the right solution,” Ahmadinejad said. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said revolution in Iran appears to be a matter of time, and the Iranian reform movement was learning from revolts in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, […]
Pakistan to speed up Iran gas pipeline