Official Rejects Iran’s ‘Interference’ In Afghan Affairs
Official Rejects Iran’s ‘Interference’ In Afghan Affairs
Afghanistan – Economic Development Requires Better Security: Foreign Minister
Obama’s Over-Hasty Withdrawal: Iraq Is Neither Sovereign, Stable nor Self-Reliant
UK warns of nuclear risk ahead of Seoul summit
Iran ‘carried out surveillance of New York City’
A new version of the Duqu software worm, a Stuxnet variant, was found in Iran, indicating that its creators were still at work. A Chinese company sold Iran surveillance systems capable of monitoring landline, mobile, and Internet communications. China criticized US efforts to restrict Iran’s oil trade.
US exempts Japan and EU nations from Iran oil sanctions
Five disasters we’ll face if US retreats from Afghanistan
US Simulation Forecasts Perils of an Israeli Strike at Iran
New Hezbollah arms, training jeopardize Israel’s aerial supremacy: report
US accelerating cyberweapon research
Iran Intelligence Crisis Showed Difficulty of Assessing Nuclear Data
In Israel, prospect of war with Iran raises questions about home-front defense
UK says Iran blocking website in censorship battle
Oman warns on military confrontation with Iran
US-Russia ‘reset’ gets a boost with Russian offer of airbase
Despite Bold Talk on Syria, Turkey Sees Limits of Its Power
China bank pulls out of Pakistan-Iran pipeline project
Islamic Jihad seeks ‘balance of terror’ with Israel
Indian police say Delhi, Bangkok blasts linked
Power Play in the Gulf: Tiny Qatar Has Big Diplomatic Ambitions
The BBC accused Iran of a cyberattack on its Persian news service. An key international financial transactions firm cut ties with Iranian banks, hindering Iran’s ability to conduct international business. Iran began stockpiling food ahead of further sanctions.
Iran cut off from global financial system
Aiding Yemen Rebels, Iran Seeks Wider Mideast Role
Top Hamas official visits Tehran
Iraqiya List concerned about Iraqi, Iranian and Lebanese armed groups backing up Assad regime
Skeptics doubt US can be certain about Iran’s nuclear progress
Cyber-attack on BBC leads to suspicion of Iran’s involvement
Iran’s War in Gaza
US Syria Intervention Would Be Risky, Pentagon Officials Say