Al Qaeda
Pentagon establishes Defense Clandestine Service, new espionage unit
Pentagon establishes Defense Clandestine Service, new espionage unit
Latest cyberattack on Iran targets oil export facilities
Knocking on neighbours’ doors: Energy-starved Pakistan looks to India for electricity
Reports show critical weaknesses in Obama administration’s European missile defense plans
One of the Uighur detainees transferred to El Salvador was deemed a “high” risk by US officials because of his alleged ties to senior al Qaeda operatives.
Several nations trying to penetrate US cyber-networks, says ex-FBI official
Iranian officials ‘observed North Korean rocket launch’
Iran, the US, and five other countries began talks in Turkey over Iran’s nuclear program, the first such meeting in one and a half years. The first day’s meeting was described as “constructive,” “positive,” and “completely different” from the previous meeting.
Exclusive: Iran ships off radar as Tehran conceals oil sales
Afghanistan – NDS Quashes Rumours it Accused Local Media of Pakistan, Iran Ties
Abu Hafs al Mauritani, a senior al Qaeda ideologue, has reportedly returned to his home country in West Africa from Iran, where he had lived since late 2001. The exact circumstances of his return remain unclear.
Iranian officials claim Israeli-backed terrorism team busted
Osama bin Laden’s widows and children ‘shown in video’
Iran and Western nations agreed to a new round of nuclear talks in Istanbul starting April 14. US and Europe called on Iran to end uranium enrichment. Iran indicated a compromise may be possible.
Israel ‘would not be able to destroy Iran’s nuclear programme with pre-emptive air strike’
US intelligence gains in Iran seen as boost to confidence
US Defines Its Demands for New Round of Talks With Iran
A member of parliament said Iran had the capability to build nuclear weapons but will never do so. Turkey’s prime minister said he believed Iran did not wish to build nuclear weapons. The US told Iran it would accept a civilian nuclear program if Iran did not develop nuclear weapons.
Abu Musab al-Suri, the New Mastermind of Jihad
China warned against using force on Iran, saying an attack would invite devastating retaliation that would envelop the region. The US continued to tighten sanctions.
Egyptian Islamists pin their hopes on Islamic law
Iran bars Reuters over ninja ‘assassin’ error
Iran’s Efforts to Stir Afghan Violence Provoke Concern
Iran says could hit US if it came under attack: paper
Is the US leaking information to undermine Israel’s campaign against Iran?
Opposition says Syrian rebel fighters to get salaries
Afghanistan presses for answers on long-term US military bases
More than 30 Taliban, seven Afghan security guards, and two Afghan soldiers were killed after the Taliban ambushed a NATO convoy in Farah.
Arab Revolts Risk Fuelling Sectarian Tensions
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan arrived in Tehran for talks over Syria and Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s foreign minister announced a date, April 13, for renewed nuclear talks with the group of the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany.