Tag Archives: Iran


Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei said that economic sanctions would not compel the country to halt its nuclear program. Iran increased the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges in operation. Iran’s nuclear facilities were hit by a computer virus.


Iran general warns ‘hated Arabs’ of reprisals for backing Syrian rebels


Iran hedges its bets on Assad and Syria


Bulgaria bomber ‘experienced’ and had accomplices, says prime minister


Analysis: Iran reformists gird for return to political stage


Iran said it broke up two assassination cells responsible for killing Iranian nuclear scientists. Iran added a new batch of enriched uranium to a research reactor in Tehran.


Israeli officials say Iran will face retaliation for killing of tourists in Bulgaria


Another cyber espionage campaign found targeting Iran


Iran official admits sanctions are hurting


US ‘building missile defence radar’ in Qatar


Hillary Clinton: US will use ‘all elements of American power’ to stop Tehran developing nuclear weapons


Iran left to ponder its next move in the Arabian Gulf


Iran’s Supreme Leader decides whether to close Strait of Hormuz: military official


The head of MI6, Britain’s Secret Service, said Iran was likely to succeed in building a nuclear bomb by 2014. “The Iranians are determinedly going down a path to master all aspects of nuclear weapons; all the technologies they need,” he said.


As Western oil sanctions take effect, Iran began shutting down oil production. Government censors warned Iranian media not to report negative economic news. To counter an Iranian threat to close the Gulf of Hormuz, the US deployed a floating operating base, mine sweepers, and sea drones to the Persian Gulf.


Ex-Republican Guards general reveals dissent within elite Iranian force

Senior al Qaeda ideologue freed in Mauritania

Abu Hafs al Mauritani, a senior al Qaeda ideologue, has been set free in Mauritania. Until earlier this year, Abu Hafs was held under a loose form of house arrest in Iran. His sudden extradition to Mauritania and subsequent freedom worries some US intelligence officials.


In Lebanon, a hard-line Sunni cleric gives voice to deep sectarian tensions


Details emerge on Iran’s priorities in nuclear talks


Iran accused French and German spy services of cooperating with the US and Israel in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists. An Iran state TV poll revealed a majority of Iranians wanted its nuclear program stopped in return for a lifting of economic sanctions.


‘Kite Runner’ Author On His Childhood, His Writing, And The Plight Of Afghan Refugees