Tag Archives: Iran


The EU’s foreign policy chief will meet with Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator. Britain said Western nations would step up sanctions against Iran if negotiations failed. Iran deployed a Russian-made submarine in the Persian Gulf.


Iran said saboteurs used explosives to cut electrical power to its uranium enrichment plant. The head of Iran’s atomic energy organization said “terrorists and saboteurs” may have infiltrated the IAEA. German Chancellor Angela Merkel called Iran’s nuclear program a threat to the entire world.


Armada of international naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike


The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said Iran has troops in Syria as “advisers.” An Iranian Islamic foundation increased a bounty offered for the death of British writer Salman Rushdie. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran was within six to seven months of building a nuclear weapon.


The UN’s nuclear agency censured Iran over its nuclear program. Oil exports were down dramatically due to international sanctions. The US and allies prepared for a major naval exercise in the Persian Gulf.


Iran Attack Would Halt Nuclear Bid for Four Years, Report Says


Iranian people believe government will go to war to stay in power


Analysis: Canada may have cut ties with Iran to avoid retaliation


The IAEA, the UN’s nuclear agency, received new intelligence indicating that Iran has moved further toward building a nuclear weapon. Iranian currency, the rial, hit a record low.


Hillary Clinton, top Chinese officials air differences


Iran says it treats Israeli military threats as American


Iran Supplying Syrian Military via Iraq Airspace


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said the major world powers had not done enough to deter Iran’s nuclear program and that they needed to set “a clear red line.” The US moved ahead on additional steps to restrain Iran.


Iran and North Korea have signed an agreement to cooperate in science and technology. Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khamenei said North Korea and Iran had “common enemies.”


Report Details Iran’s Progress at Fordow Nuclear Site


The IAEA said Iran has doubled its uranium enrichment capability yet continues to encounter problems. The Bushehr nuclear reactor reached full operating power. Iran secured support for its nuclear program from the Non Aligned Nations summit meeting.


The UN’s nuclear watchdog agency said that Iran has more than doubled the nuclear enrichment capacity of its underground site at Fordow in the past four months. The IAEA also noted suspected recent “sanitisation efforts” at the Parchin military complex.