Tag Archives: Iran


Iran Supplying Syrian Military via Iraq Airspace


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said the major world powers had not done enough to deter Iran’s nuclear program and that they needed to set “a clear red line.” The US moved ahead on additional steps to restrain Iran.


Iran and North Korea have signed an agreement to cooperate in science and technology. Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khamenei said North Korea and Iran had “common enemies.”


Report Details Iran’s Progress at Fordow Nuclear Site


The IAEA said Iran has doubled its uranium enrichment capability yet continues to encounter problems. The Bushehr nuclear reactor reached full operating power. Iran secured support for its nuclear program from the Non Aligned Nations summit meeting.


The UN’s nuclear watchdog agency said that Iran has more than doubled the nuclear enrichment capacity of its underground site at Fordow in the past four months. The IAEA also noted suspected recent “sanitisation efforts” at the Parchin military complex.


Chinese Banks Funneled Money to Iran, Prosecutors Believe


A Revolutionary Guards commander said Iran was “fighting in every aspect of the war” in Syria. Iran called for a ceasefire in Syria. The cyber-espionage campaign targeting Iran and other areas of the Middle East widened.


Wiper Malware That Hit Iran Left Possible Clues of Its Origins


The Endless War: Saudi Arabia Goes on the Offensive against Iran


Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria


A summit of the 120-nation “Non-Aligned Nations” Movement opened in Tehran. Iran was not clear if the Palestinian organization Hamas would be allowed to attend.


Iran has duty to support Assad: intelligence official


Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered new terror attacks to warn “America, the Zionists, Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others” against intervention in Syria, according to Western intelligence reports. Turkey is investigating a possible Iranian link to a recent car bombing that killed eight people.


US sends aircraft carrier back to Gulf to face Iran, Syria


US ‘significant’ in Iraq despite troop exit: Dempsey

Al Qaeda releases biography of slain senior leader

Al Qaeda has released a biography of Atiyah Abd al Rahman, a senior al Qaeda operative who served as Osama bin Laden’s chief-of-staff. Rahman “engineered” the December 2009 terrorist attack on Combat Outpost Chapman that killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian intelligence officer.

Al Qaeda

Concerns About Al Qaeda in Syria Underscore Questions About Rebels


Little boat, big danger: how a British-made speedboat has become a weapon in Iran’s standoff with the US