Tag Archives: Iran


Iran cut off Internet access to Google search, YouTube, and Gmail. A government news agency said the reason was YouTube’s refusal to take down an inflammatory movie trailer about the Prophet Mohammed. Others cited the use of social media in anti-government demonstrations.


A senior member of parliament accused the IAEA of passing nuclear secrets to Israel. A senior IRGC commander said Iran could launch a preemptive strike against Israel and that Iran would also target US bases in the region.


Iran accused a German company of attempting to sabotage its nuclear program by planting explosives inside its equipment. An Iranian Republican Guard commander expected Iran to go to war with Israel.


The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization admitted supplying the UN with false information on its nuclear program. Four Western countries accused Iran of supplying arms to the Syrian government.


Cyberwar on Iran more widespread than first thought, say researchers


Iran preparing internal version of Internet


Iran shows no hesitation about intervening in Syria


The EU’s foreign policy chief will meet with Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator. Britain said Western nations would step up sanctions against Iran if negotiations failed. Iran deployed a Russian-made submarine in the Persian Gulf.


Iran said saboteurs used explosives to cut electrical power to its uranium enrichment plant. The head of Iran’s atomic energy organization said “terrorists and saboteurs” may have infiltrated the IAEA. German Chancellor Angela Merkel called Iran’s nuclear program a threat to the entire world.


Armada of international naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike


The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said Iran has troops in Syria as “advisers.” An Iranian Islamic foundation increased a bounty offered for the death of British writer Salman Rushdie. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran was within six to seven months of building a nuclear weapon.


The UN’s nuclear agency censured Iran over its nuclear program. Oil exports were down dramatically due to international sanctions. The US and allies prepared for a major naval exercise in the Persian Gulf.


Iran Attack Would Halt Nuclear Bid for Four Years, Report Says


Iranian people believe government will go to war to stay in power


Analysis: Canada may have cut ties with Iran to avoid retaliation


The IAEA, the UN’s nuclear agency, received new intelligence indicating that Iran has moved further toward building a nuclear weapon. Iranian currency, the rial, hit a record low.


Hillary Clinton, top Chinese officials air differences


Iran says it treats Israeli military threats as American