Tag Archives: Iran


Influx of Iraqi Shiites to Syria Widens War’s Scope


AFP: UK man to strike US plea deal in Iran missiles case


Iran Said to Complete Underground Nuclear Enrichment Plant


Sudan: a front for Israel’s proxy war on Sinai jihadis?


Iran’s Feared Intelligence Ministry Launches Website


Iran completed the installation of uranium enrichment centrifuges in its Fordow plant, which is built inside a mountain to resist air attacks. Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei blamed the US and Israel for the civil war in Syria.


Major powers examine long-shot options in Iran talks

Treasury ‘further exposes’ Iran-al Qaeda relationship

The US Treasury Department has designated Adel Radi Saqr al Wahabi al Harbi, a “key member” of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network. Al Harbi serves as the deputy to Muhsin al Fadhli, who now leads al Qaeda’s presence in Iran. The US government has highlighted the Iran-al Qaeda relationship several times since July 2011.


Continued concern over Iran’s nuclear program prompted the EU to impose a range of new economic sanctions on Iran. Iran said it would cut the imports of nonessential goods as it moves to a resistance economy.


Iranians Planning to Create Environmental Catastrophe in Hormuz Strait


Bahrain king blasts ‘foreign’ links to unrest in swipe at Iran


Iran’s foreign minister said “Iran is ready to show flexibility” in talks over its nuclear program. Iran would halt further uranium enrichment in exchange for a guaranteed supply and acknowledgment of Iran’s right to enrich uranium.


Western intelligence sees ‘small signs of wavering’ on Iran nuclear policy


As Sanctions Bite, West And Tehran Play Risky Game


Iran aids Syria in tracking opposition via electronic surveillance, U.S. officials say


Iran repelled cyberattacks against its communication networks on offshore oil and gas platforms. A think tank estimated Iran could produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb within two to four months.


Iran withdrew 275 members of its elite Qods Force from Syria. The force had been supporting the Assad regime.