Tag Archives: Iran


Netanyahu’s pick for defense minister cautious on Iran


A Visual Breakdown of How Iran Censors the Internet


US, Iran secretly discussed swap of al Qaeda detainees for Iranian dissidents

US – Iran tensions escalate in latest drone incident

Iranian jets scrambled to interdict a US surveillance MQ-1 drone flying over international waters on March 12. US fighter jets escorting the drone prevented the Iranian craft from encroaching closer than 16 miles, marking the latest escalation of force between US and Iranian military units operating in the Persian Gulf.


Egypt warns giving women some rights could destroy society

Al Qaeda

Iran, al-Qaeda relationship is showing cracks, US officials and analysts say


US Sanctions Greek Businessman for Helping Iran Ship Oil


Iran steps up weapons lifeline to Syria’s Assad – envoys


Ripe oil market offers window to amp up pressure on Iran: report


Covert Iranian nuclear dealings via Turkey revealed


Erosion of Syrian power accelerating, top US intelligence official says


Iran blocks use of tool to get around Internet filter

Former bin Laden spokesman in US custody

Sulaiman Abu Ghaith served Osama bin Laden as a spokesman, threatened mass casualty attacks against America, and recruited the al Qaeda cell responsible for a 2002 attack on US Marines in Kuwait. He lived under a loose former of house arrest in Iran for years before being reportedly freed in 2010.


Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei criticized Western powers for not offering concessions in last week’s talks over Iran’s nuclear program. He said the West was using the program as a pretext to impose economic sanctions.


US General Mattis said sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program were not working. US Secretary of State Kerry said Iran was getting closer to building a nuclear bomb. The US delegate to the UN’s nuclear agency accused Iran of “deception, defiance and delay”. In a joint statement, the EU said Iran was stonewalling the UN agency.


Iran’s Khamenei seen tightening his grip in vote to replace Ahmadinejad


Big powers want fast results in revived diplomacy with Iran


US, Saudis paper over differences on Syria, Iran during Kerry visit


Second trading firm says it supplied Iranian firm linked to atomic work


US Weighs Risks and Motives of Hacking by China or Iran


Iran announced it planned to build 3,000 advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges while it phased out 12,000 older generation centrifuges. In February, Iran began installing the new centrifuges at its main Natanz uranium enrichment facility. An Iranian dhow carrying Chinese antiaircraft missiles was seized off the Yemeni coast.


In talks with Iran, reality tempers hopes on nuclear deal