Tag Archives: Iran


Syrian war widens Sunni-Shia schism as foreign jihadis join fight for shrines


Israel fast-tracks development of Arrow III defense system over Iran concerns


U.S. warned Europe of Hezbollah operations before terror attacks last year


Iran’s Arak reactor looms into Israeli, Western view


Argentinian prosecutor alleges extensive Iranian terror activity in South America


Israeli or U.S. Action Against Iran: Who Will Do It If It Must Be Done?

Egyptian jihadists call for attacks in Shiite countries

Mohammed Zawahiri on Al Faroq Media Facebook Page.jpgMohammed Zawahiri, the brother of al Qaeda’s emir, is one of the 20 Egyptian jihadists who issued a statement calling upon Sunnis to launch attacks in Shiite-led countries in response to the Bashir al Assad regime’s offensive in Qusayr, Syria. Iran and Hezbollah have reportedly joined the fight in Qusayr alongside Assad’s forces.


State media claimed that Iran has fielded a “massive” quantity of missile launchers that will allow the Iranian military to “crush the enemy” with simultaneous fire from long-range surface-to-surface missiles. The claim could not be independently verified.


The defense ministry said Iran has never sent “military forces” to Syria; IRGC chief Jafari stated in September that Quds Force members were in Syria to give the government “counsel and advice.” Syrian National Coalition chief Sabra alleged that “[t]housands of Iranian forces and its terrorist collaborators from Hezbollah are invading Syria.” The US has […]


A new report from the UN’s atomic energy agency said Iran is significantly expanding its nuclear program, and has started work on an alternative approach to developing a nuclear weapon. Advanced equipment for the enrichment of uranium is being installed at an accelerating pace at the Natanz plant, and work is progressing at other sites […]