Iran boosts military support in Syria to bolster Assad
Iran boosts military support in Syria to bolster Assad
Hardline Iran cleric warns against resuming US ties
The al Qaeda-linked group threatened further attacks against Iran and Hezbollah if their forces are not withdrawn from Syria and jihadists are not freed from Lebanese prisons.
Al Qaeda figures or associates linked to Iran
Iran Steadies as Tensions Ease
As part of seven promised “confidence-building” measures on its nuclear program due for completion by May 15, Iran agreed to provide information to the IAEA on its detonators. A top IAEA official said progress at the Feb. 8-9 talks was good but much work remains to be done to examine possible military aspects of Iran’s […]
The commander of the Northern Navy Fleet said Iran is sending several warships on a three-month mission in the Atlantic Ocean that will take Iranian ships close to US maritime borders for the first time. In a meeting in Tehran with a top official of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the secretary of the Supreme National Security […]
Three Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force officers and one facilitator who are involved in the “use of terrorism and intelligence operations as tools of influence against the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan” were added to the US’ list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists.
The Treasury Department confirmed today that the head of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network, known as Yasin al Suri, is operational once again. Treasury also designated an additional “associate” of al Suri’s.
Elephant Campaign: How Africa’s ‘white gold’ funds the al Shabaab militants –
The Al Nusrah Front, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham continue to target Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Al Jazeera reports that Yasin al Suri, the head of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network, is facilitating the terror network’s operations from Iranian soil once again. Al Suri was detained by the Iranian government after the US government exposed his network, and the deal between Iran and al Qaeda, in 2011.
Iran can now build and deliver nukes, US intel reports
Israeli Soldiers Confront Hezbollah Terrorists in Lifelike Simulation
UN nuclear chief: Long way to go on Iran nuclear deal
Pakistan security concerns: Pilgrimage route suspended
Foreign Minister Zarif urged all foreign fighters to leave Syria and called on foreign forces to stop “stop funneling funds, money and arms” into Syria. The UN’s nuclear watchdog agency asked for funds so it can nearly double the number of personnel working to verify Iran’s compliance with the recent agreement on its nuclear program.
In its designation, the State Department noted that Iran is a key backer of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. In addition, the State Department noted the increase in cooperation between PIJ and Hamas.
Iran’s nuclear stockpile may rise for now despite deal with powers
Syria Talks Open with Acrimony and Testy Exchanges
The Al Nusrah Front, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, all al Qaeda affiliates, have carried out four suicide attacks in Lebanon since November 2013.
The UN withdrew its invitation to Iran to attend the Geneva II talks, after pressure by the US, Saudi Arabia, and the Syrian opposition. As part of the recent nuclear agreement, Iran suspended sensitive enrichment activities and world powers lifted some sanctions in response.
Geneva deal doesn’t stop Iran’s bid for a bomb: Israel
Region Boiling, Israel Takes Up Castle Strategy
Hezbollah digs in for more conflict with Israel
Hezbollah at War in Syria: Forces, Operations, Effects and Implications
AL Qaeda-affiliated groups are stepping up attacks on Hezbollah and Iranian interests in Lebanon as the Syrian civil war rages.
Prosecutors build Hariri bomb plot case on cellphone logs
Justice or Peace? Hariri Trial Could Spark Further Unrest in Lebanon
Obama Fights a Push to Add Iran Sanctions