Tag Archives: Iran


Ahmadinejad offers Nicaragua help against “common enemies”


Nuclear work goes on, says defiant Iran


Argentina Pursues Iran in ’94 Blast As Neighbors Court Ahmadinejad


MNF-Iraq on the five Iranians detained in Irbil, Iraq: “[they are] connected to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard – Qods Force (IRGC-QF), an organization known for providing funds, weapons, improvised explosive device technology and training to extremist groups attempting to destabilize the Government of Iraq and attack Coalition forces.” Iran demands their release.

Iranian Qods Force Agents Detained in Irbil Raid

US Pressure uncovers further evidence of Iran’s involvement with the Iraqi insurgency and al Qaeda Qods Force logo. Click image to view. Thursday’s raid on an Iranian liaison office and the subsequent arrest of five Iranians has provided further evidence of the Islamic Republic’s interference in Iraqi affairs and involvement with the insurgency. Multinational Forces […]


Iran Leader’s Nuke Diplomacy Questioned


There is no plan to attack Iran, said the US. President Bush authorized the raid on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Iraq. President Ahmadinejad travels to Latin America to visit allies. The slow pace of Iran’s nuclear program puzzles experts.

Pressuring Iran on Iraq

Another raid & detention of Iranian diplomats Following President Bush’s speech on a change in strategy and tactics in Iraq, which contained unusually harsh language with respect to Iran and its involvement in the Iraqi insurgency, the United States wasted no time in firing its first shot across the bow of the Islamic Republic of […]


Iran, Syria denounce Bush’s Iraq plan


A leader of the Basji claims Iran will block the Strait of Hormuz if the Iranian economy is threatened. The US has put sanctions on Bank Sepah, Iran’s fifth-largest state bank. The Arab nations fear Tehran’s influence in the Middle East, and wants US policy to counter this. The MEK terrorist group loses a court […]


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appeared in public after rumors of his death, and said Iran would not back down on its enrichment program. Israel denies reports it is planning tactical nuclear strikes on Iran’s nuke facilities. Iran is in the midst of an oil crisis.


Iran Won’t Cut Cooperation With IAEA

Iran and al Qaeda in Iraq

Qods Force logo. Click image to view. Further evidence of Iran’s support of the Shia death squads and Sunni al Qaeda has emerged. At the end of December, two Iranian agents of the Qods force were arrested in a SCIRI compound in Baghdad. The Iraqi government was angry over the arrests, as the Iranians were […]


Tehran admits building underground atomic deposits


Documents confiscated from Iranian agents show Iran is supporting both Shia and Sunni insurgents, including al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sunna. A US unit is working to combat Iran’s influence in the Middle East. The IAEA is reviewing Iran’s nuclear program again.


Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei is reported to be seriously ill. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would give the West a “historic slap on the face” and “stands by its nuclear rights and will do its best to defend them.” Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies said military action is the only way […]


Quitting nuclear treaty an option, says Iran


The two Iranian intelligence agents captured in Baghdad possessed “weapons lists, documents pertaining to shipments of weapons into Iraq, organizational charts, telephone records and maps, among other sensitive intelligence information… [and] information about importing modern, specially shaped explosive charges into Iraq.” Iraq has expelled the two. One was “the third-highest-ranking official of the Iranian Revolutionary […]


Iran defence industry unharmed by sanctions


British Army interpreter in court on spy charge, spying for Iran


US warns Iran over ‘downward spiral™ with UN nuclear watchdog


Iran sneers at UN sanctions, Ahmadinejad: nuclear resolution just “scrap of paper”.


Despite Election Win, Reformers Are Disheartened


Iran ordered to pay US terror victims™ families, must pay $254 million for 1996 attack in Saudi Arabia, judge rules


Iran Condemns UN Sanctions, Vows to Install 3000 Centrifuges


The UNSC has placed sanctions on Iran, ordering “all countries to stop supplying Iran with materials and technology that could contribute to its nuclear and missile programs,” as well as freezing assets. Iran has vowed to defy the sanctions, saying it “has not delegated its destiny to the invalid decisions of the U.N. Security Council.”


U.N. members near vote on Iran nuke sanctions


President Ahmadinejad says Israel, US, Britain will vanish: “this is a divine promise.” PM Blair calls for an “alliance of moderation” with Moderate Muslim states counter Iran. Israel says Iran is trainings dozens, if not hundreds of Hamas operatives inside Iran. Ahmadinejad’s allies took a beating in the latest round of elections.