Tag Archives: Iran


Blair: Iran must free naval prisoners in days


Iran wants to swap the 15 British servicemen captured in the Shatt Al Arab for members of Qods force captured in Irbil in January of 2007. “The decision to take in the British military elements was taken at an emergency meeting of the Higher Defense Council in the light of a report received by Brigadier […]


[UPDATE2] The UNSC unanimously passed resolution 1747 which “bans arms exports from Iran and freezes financial assets abroad of 28 Iranian individuals and entities, including its Bank Sepah, and the commanders and companies associated with the Revolutionary Guards.” A website run by associates of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed the 15 British servicemen will be tried for […]


Russia: Why Is The Kremlin Retreating From Bushehr?


Iranian President Cancels U.N. Trip, Blaming US


Iran has moved the captured British sailors and marines to Tehran, and claimed they confessed to entering Iranian waters. A fisherman said the Brits were in Iraqi waters. The UN Security Council is set to vote on sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program. “The measures… targets the country’s arms exports, the state-owned Bank Sepah and the […]


Iran has captured 15 British sailors and Marines from the frigate HMS Cornwall, which is patrolling the Shatt Al Arab waterway. The British servicemen were returning from a mission of boarding a freighter, and were “surrounded and escorted by Iranian vessels into Iranian territorial waters.”


Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Launch Naval Maneuvers


Iran Connection Alleged in Iraq Rocket Attack on UN Chief


US: Use Of Deadly Roadside Bomb [EFPs] Plunges


Iran is said to be backing over 3,000 militiamen split off from Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army. The IRGC is said to be funding, arming and training the fighters inside Iran. Te splinter Mahdi Army forces is led by Qais al-Khazaali, a former spokesman for Sadr.


The US claimed Russia will not deliver fuel to the Bushehr nuclear plant until Iran suspends nuclear enrichment. Iran has denied the report. The U.S. is tightening financial sanctions on Iran.


Family Of Missing Former Iranian Official Accuses Turkey


An author in an IRGC weekly newspaper claimed Iran can and should kidnap U.S. and Israeli officers. “We™ve got the ability to capture a nice bunch of blue-eyed blond-haired officers and feed them to our fighting cocks,” said Reza Faker. “Iran has enough people who can reach the heart of Europe and kidnap Americans and […]


Iran Backing Gaza Fighters, Israeli Security Chief Says


Iran Says Bushehr Dispute Justifies Enrichment Program


General Asgari™s defection won™t change much


Official Denies Reports US Is Holding Iranian General


Ali Reza Asgari, the Iranian IRGC general and former deputy defense minister, is reported to have defected to the West. The IAEA has cut half of its nuclear aid to Iran. Jundallah kidnapped 4 IRGC soldiers in


Rebels say kidnap 4 Iran troops, issue video: TV


Former Iranian Defense Official Talks to Western Intelligence


The missing Iranian general who has knowledge of Iran’s nuclear program, Hezbollah and weapons smuggling into Iraq, is believed to have defected to the West. Iran is having trouble financing the Bushehr nuke plant, and has begun rationing fuel.