Tag Archives: Iran

Iran, Hezbollah train Iraqi Shia “Secret Cells”

Ali Mussa Daqduq, a Hezbollah operative, captured among others Ali Mussa Daqduq, click to view. Iran’s involvement in funding, arming, and training the networks of Shia terrorist in Iraq has been an open secret in Iraq for years. The issue came to a head last winter when Coalition forces began heavily targeting the Iranian networks […]


Iran’s Quds Force knew of attack on US soldiers: US


Captured Hezbollah agent helped plan deadly Karbala raid


(Iran) Finding a nerve, then pressing it

26 Iranian-Backed “Secret Cell” Operatives Killed, 17 Captured in Sadr City

Qods Force logo, click to view. Major operations targets the Qazali Network Multinational Forces Iraq is pressing on with operations against the Iranian-backed “Secret Cells” of the Qazali Network. Coalition forces conducted two major raids inside Sadr City against the Qazali Network early Saturday morning. After encountering heavy resistance during both operations, which included “significant […]


The government has banned negative stories on fuel rationing. The US Foreign Affairs Committee approved legislation to impose sanctions on Iran’s energy sector. The People’s Mujahadeen Organization of Iran (or MEK) remained on the EU list of terror organizations.


Qods Force continues to train Iraqi surrogates and plan attacks in Iraq. Gas rationing has set off a series of riots in Tehran.


Bombs from Iran are being used against British troops, says MoD


British hostages held by ‘Iran-backed™ killers


Egypt blasts Iran over Hamas takeover of Gaza


Iran must fulfill obligations on nuclear plant: Russia

Iraqis, British strike Iranian backed “secret cells” in the south

Qods Force logo, click to view. 20 killed in attack on the Qazali Network in Amara and Majjar al-Kabir; Mahdi Army facilitator detained in Kirkuk, secret cell leader captured in Baghdad Iraqi Special Operations Forces, backed by British troops, conducted major raids against the Qazali Network in the southern province of Maysan. Over 20 members […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia calls on Iran not to interfere in Iraq’s internal affairs


Three Iranian diplomats briefly detained in Iraq


Oil giant Iran begins fuel rationing with official cars


Iran said the US will “regret” arresting 5 of its “diplomats” in Irbil in January of 2007. IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei stated the US must defuse the crisis over Iran’s nuclear program, and Iran will have the capacity to build 3 nukes a year once it completes the planned 8,000 centrifuges,


The Hidden Hand of Iran in the Resurgence of Ansar al-Islam


Israel Says Military Action Against Iran Possible

Al Qaeda

Osama™s Bodyguard: Iran-al Qaeda Cooperation Based on “Joint Interests”

U.S. finds Karbala PJCC mockup inside Iran

The Fajr Garrison, a Qods Force training facility in Ahwaz. Click to view. Satellite imagery links Iran to the Karbala attack which resulted in five U.S. soldiers killed The January 20 attack on the Karbala Provincial Joint Coordination Center by the Iranian backed Qazali Network, which resulted in the kidnapping and murder of five U.S. […]

Targeting the Iranian “Secret Cells”

Qods Force logo, click to view. Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces work to dismantle the Iranian run Sheibani and Qazali networks Since the end of April, Multinational Forces Iraq has released a multitude of press releases noting the capture or killing of members described as belonging to “a secret cell terrorist network known for its […]


NATO Document: Iran Caught Red-Handed Shipping Arms to Taliban


Iran president sees “countdown” to Israel’s end


Iran continues to ship weapons to both Iraq and Afghan insurgent groups. The Fajr-3, a 240mm rocket with a 30 mile range, has been fired at US forces int he Green Zone three times, and two arms shipments, which “included 107mm mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, C-4 explosives and small arms,” have been intercepted in Helmand province.


Iranian Flow Of Weapons Increasing, Officials Say