Tag Archives: Iran


Iraq and US to pressure Iran with diplomacy, force


Iran Ordered Muqtada al-Sadr to Return to Al-Najaf – Iraqi Sources


Iran denied the explosion at a mosque in Shiraz that killed 11 and wounded 191 was a bombing. The deputy interior minister said the explosion was “the result of an incident.” Coalition forces captured an Iranian-trained agent collecting intelligence on US airbases and troop movements near Balad. The slow pace of the investigation into the […]


Nine people were killed and 50 wounded after a suicide bomber detonated during a sermon in a mosque in Shiraz. The cleric was “delivering his weekly speech against extremist Wahabi beliefs and the outlawed Bahai faith,” according to the pro-government Fars News Agency.


Bomb Explosion at Iranian Mosque Kills at Least 9


Hashemi Rafsanjani denied Iran supports militias inside Iraq. Stellite imagery indicates Iran has built a secret launch site for long-range missiles. US warships launched a flare at Iranian speedboats after they approached in a “taunting manner.”


Spy photos reveal ‘secret launch site’ for Iran’s long-range missiles


Iraqi leaders turn wary of Iran, Petraeus says


Day 2 of Petreaus-Crocker Hearings Continue Focus on Iraq, Iran


Hamas-Iraq: Al-Qaeda in Iraq is Subservient to Iran; ‘The US is Our Main Enemy, But a More Dangerous Enemy is Iran’


Iran says installing 6,000 enrichment centrifuges


Iran: Radical Shia cleric in holy city of Qom, says expert

Iraqi government moves to sideline Sadrists, Mahdi Army

Prime Minister Maliki, with support of major political parties, seeks to prevent the Sadrist movement from participating in elections if it does not disband the Mahdi Army. Sadr seeks guidance from senior Shia clerics; said he will disband Mahdi Army if given approval.


Islamic Revolution Fervor Kept Alive for Iran’s Youth


US and Iraqi forces take the battle to Muqtada al Sadr’s doorstep


Iran joined militias in battle for Basrah


Officials Confirm Iran’s Role in Truce


How kidnapped Iraq security chief lived to tell the tale


US troops make progress in Iraq’s Diyala province


China exposed Iran’s efforts to acquire nuclear technology after the International Atomic Energy Agency found blueprints for shaping uranium into warheads, and information on the testing of high explosives in a uranium warhead and the procurement of dual-use technology. China provided the evidence after the agency presented the information to the IAEA’s governors in February.


Ceasefires In Iraq Go Through Iran’s Quds Force


Iranian general played key role in Iraq cease-fire