Tag Archives: Iran


Pro-Ahmadinejad Sunni cleric said killed in western Iran


Iran again rules out talks on its nuclear rights

Iran continues to arm the Taliban

EFPs, EFP cones, and other materials seized during a raid in Baghdad in October 2008. Click to view. FOX News reports that another shipment of Iranian weapons has been confiscated in western Afghanistan: Afghan and NATO forces uncovered the weapons cache on Aug. 29 in Herat. It included a small number of Iranian-made “explosively formed […]


US intelligence agencies have concluded that Iran has created enough fuel for a nuclear weapon. IAEA chief Mohammed El Baradei urged Iran to accept the US invitation for talks. President Ahmadinejad stated that Iran’s critics are upset that his country is “more powerful than ever.”


US Official: Dialogue with "Vulnerable" Iran More Difficult


Iran™s Mousavi urges calm despite arrests


Iran may have enough enriched uranium to build a bomb, US warns


US Defense Secretary Gates urged Arab allies to strengthen military ties with the US to help deter Iran. Members of parliament urged President Ahmadinejad to free detainees who played a minor role in the post-election violence. Iranian police warned the opposition against staging any protests in connection with Qods Day.


President Ahmadinejad said discussions on Iran’s nuclear program are “finished.” Former president Khatami accused the government of using “fascist and totalitarian methods” against political enemies. Ayatollah Khamenei said the humanities courses at universities were un-Islamic.


Iran says develops missile interceptor system: TV


Missing channel pirate ship carried Russian arms for Iran


Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani urged followers to stop infighting and “export the revolution.” India will invest $5 billion to develop a natural gas field in Iran. A member of parliament revealed that Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Majilis to confirm Ahmadinejad’s cabinet nominees.

Iraq turns up heat on Syria

Iraq is continuing its war of words with Syria over the latter’s sheltering of al Qaeda and Ba’athist terror groups. From Reuters: “Why must they insist on sheltering the armed organizations and those wanted by Iraqi courts and Interpol on Syrian lands?” Maliki was quoted by his office as saying. … “The crisis with Syria […]


The Majilis approved all but three of President Ahmadinejad’s cabinet nominees. Ahmadinejad stated that Iran is prepared for more sanctions and will not bow to international pressure on its nuclear program.


The IAEA said concerns over Tehran’s nuclear program are “hyped.” Senior diplomats met in Berlin to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s Shura Majlis will debate the appointments to the key ministerial posts of oil and interior.


President Ahmadinejad will give a speech at the UN meeting on Sept. 23. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei praised the Islamic Republic’s ability to overcome post-election problems. Iran and Pakistan staged a joint anti-drug operation on the AfPak border.


Was Russia’s ‘Arctic Sea’ carrying missiles to Iran?


Son of Iran candidate ally died after beating: report


President Ahmadinejad’s new intelligence minister vowed to “confront the enemy’s soft war” against the government. Ayatollah Khamenei vowed to prosecute post-vote “crimes.” Six nations are to meet in Germany to discuss Iran’s nuclear program.


UAE reports ship seizure with NKorea arms for Iran


The UN urged Tehran to reveal the “military dimensions” of its nuclear program. The IAEA claimed Iran is slowing production of low-enrichment uranium. President Ahmadinejad claimed that allegations of prisoner abuse were part of a foreign “enemy plot.”


Iraqi official’s top aide linked to Shi’ite terrorists


Grand Ayatollah Montazeri criticized the Ahmadinejad government over show trials and warned of a possible “regime fall.” Grand Ayatollah Khamenei claimed the riots were planned before the election. A member of parliament said the rapes of some election protesters who were detained have been proven. Tehran is worried that the Afghan insurgency might spill into […]


Proposed halt in nuclear program by “pragmatists” in Tehran went ignored by Ahmadinejad government. Former President Khatami said the trial confessions of his allies are invalid. Tehran gained support from non-aligned nations for ban on nuclear plant attacks. Anonymous US diplomats revealed that Iran’s uranium enrichment program stagnated as output increased.

Carnage in Baghdad? Not quite.

I’ve had several inquiries on this piece, “Behind the Carnage in Baghdad”, by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. According to Mr. Ignatius, Iraq will be a fully-owned Iranian subsidiary in a few years. Iraq expert Nibras Kazimi over at Talisman Gate has a masterful response to Mr. Ignatius’ column. Here is a sample, but read […]


The government resumed mass trials of opposition figures; top aides of former President Khatami have been accused of fomenting a “soft coup.” A spokesman said sanctions will not stop Iran from pursuing its “legal rights” to possess nuclear power.


The Majilis supports President Ahmadinejad’s appointee for defense minister; the appointee is wanted by Argentina for his role in the bombing of a Jewish center. The government will put more anti-Ahmadinejad protesters on trial. Foreign Minister spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi told the world to work with, instead of against, Iran’s nuclear power ambitions.


Iran’s Rafsanjani calls for unity, backs supreme leader

Releasing Iranian-backed terrorists is hard to get used to

The release of members and leaders of the Iranian-backed Asaib al Haq (League of the Righteous) has several of the military and intelligence folks I speak with up in arms. I’m not sure I passed along the depth of their despair when I reported on this earlier this week. Not a single person I spoke […]