Tag Archives: Iran


President Ahmadinejad voiced his concern about the UN chief’s “biased” remarks on Tehran’s nuclear work and urged him to take the IAEA’s opinion into account. The IAEA reported that no radioactive material has been transferred to Iran’s new enrichment plant in Qom. The IAEA made plans to discuss a timetable for an inspection of the […]


Iran put nuclear site near base in case of attack


Iran’s Foreign Ministry maintained that yesterday’s missile tests were part of routine, long-planned military exercises. Tehran urged global disarmament days before diplomatic talks. The US is aiming for additional sanctions if the Oct. 1 talks fail.


More Shiite militants freed by US in Iraq


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps tested the Shahab-3 and Sejil missiles in the third phase of a two-day exercise called The Great Prophet IV. The US will seek harsher economic sanctions against Iran. Iran’s attempts at power projection in Senegal, Venezuela, and Nicaragua are off to a shaky start.


Iraq’s president: Iran sanctions won’t work


The military tested a short-range ground-to-ground missile and a naval missile, and plans to test a long-range missile on Sept. 28. The government asked Western nations not to interfere with the IAEA. The Revolutionary Guard purchased a majority share in the country’s telecommunications company.


Iran’s second uranium enrichment plant may have made Israeli strike less likely


Iran vows to switch on ‘secret’ nuclear facility


IAEA may inspect new nuclear site: Iran president


Iranian officials admitted to building a second, secret enrichment facility. Western governments accused Iran of constructing the secret underground plant to manufacture nuclear fuel for weapons. Geneva will host the 5+1 talks on Iran’s nuclear program on Oct. 1.


President Ahmadinejad defended his legacy during his speech to the UN assembly. The UN said it would draft a nuclear safeguard plan before US-Iranian bilateral talks. Iran’s Assembly of Experts reiterated their support for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.


Russia ‘rethinks’ Iran sanctions

Iran! Iran! Iran! (in Iraq)

So goes the refrain from a host of pundits who posit a maliciously empowered Iran as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq. Subscribers to the possibility include David Ignatius, Brookings, and Thomas Ricks, who has authored grim appraisals of Iran being the “biggest winner” after the invasion. This popular narrative has various appeals. […]


US lawmakers are holding off on passing new Iran sanctions until after the diplomatic summit. President Ahmadinejad plans on offering solutions to world crises in his UN speech. An Iranian army commander stressed the importance of bolstering Iran’s defensive power.


Iran has made new generation centrifuges


President Ahmadinejad warned against a military attack against Iran. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei blamed the western media for poisoning Iran’s Qods Day celebration. The US and Iran are headed into the Oct. 1 negotiations worlds apart.


Israel says still has military option on Iran


President Ahmadinejad said he was proud that his denials of the Holocaust have enraged the West. Russian President Medvedev said Israel is not planning on a preemptive strike against Iran. Russia’s head of the assembly, Mironov, denied any US-Russia deal on Iran.

Mahdi Army members assassinated in Syria?

Muqtada al Sadr, the leader of the Mahdi Army. An interesting report from Omar at Iraqi The Model: Unknown gunmen assassinated 30 Mahdi Army commanders in the Syrian capital Damascus. The killings, made in the past few weeks, were all made “quietly, inside the victims apartments”, said an unnamed source in the Sadr movement. The […]


Ahmadinejad faces test of strength as fresh protests sweep Iran


Ahmadinejad says Iran will never stop nuclear program


Tens of thousands of protesters chanted “death to the dictator” and hurled rocks at Iranian security forces during a march in Tehran. President Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust “a lie” during a speech. NATO wants Russia to pressure Iran to halt its nuclear program.


The IAEA reported that Iran has “sufficient information” to build a nuclear weapon and is likely to “overcome problems” with developing a delivery system. US lawmakers called for tougher sanctions on Iran. Iran’s foreign minister said that there will be no direct talks between US and Iran on October 1.


Presidents Obama and Sarkozy discussed Iran’s nuclear “compliance.” US Secretary of State Clinton stated that Iran must answer world’s concerns over its nuclear program. Tehran agreed to the new framework of agreements with the IAEA.


The US demanded that Iran must be willing to discuss its “illicit nuclear program” during the meeting on Oct. 1. The US and five allies are to present a “united front” against the Iranian nuclear program. Former President Rasfanjani urged an epic turn-out for the al Qods day celebration.


Iran and the international community will meet to discuss Iran’s nuclear program in Europe on Oct. 1. Iran obtained US military technology through Malaysian middlemen. The government expects internal protests on Qods Day.


President Ahmedinejad said Iran’s nuclear program will not be part of direct talks with the US. “From the Iranian nation’s viewpoint, the nuclear case is closed,” he said. An ally of Mir Hossein Musavi has been released on bail after five days in detention.