Tag Archives: Iran


Tehran claimed US and British involvement in the suicide bombing of IRGC members by Baluchi rebels. The Iranian press urged Pakistan to crack down on Sunni rebels along the shared border. The ‘P5+1’ will meet with Iran today to further talks over sending Iranian uranium abroad for enrichment; Tehran claimed it will continue to enrich […]


Jundallah attacked a meeting between Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps leaders and tribal leaders in Sistan-Baluchistan province, and a IRGC convoy, killing 28 officers and civilians. Brigadier General Nour Ali Shoushtari, the deputy commander for the IRGC’s ground forces, and Brigadier Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh, the IRGC’s provincial commander for Sistan-Baluchistan, were killed in the attack.


The US intelligence community is considering revising the 2007 NIE. The US Congress passed a new Iran sanctions bill. Turkmenistan will run a natural gas pipeline to Iran by late December.


China’s premier hailed his nation’s cooperation with Iran. Russia’s premier said it is “too early” to speak of more sanctions. The US House passed legislation allowing state and local governments to divest from companies doing business in Iran.


The US called for Chinese support on curbing Iran’s nuclear program. The Russian foreign minister said that the threat of new sanctions on Iran will not work. A senior Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander said that the Iran is “invincible.”


‘Embarrassing’ incident in Gulf of Suez: German ship transporting arms for Iran


US wants bunker-buster fast, denies Iran is reason


President Ahmadinejad said he sees no obstacles to further nuclear talks with the P5+1. Secretary of State Clinton issued a warning to Iran during a diplomatic visit to Russia. Former President Khatami announced that protests to Iran’s presidential election last summer will not die.


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps bought an $8 billion share in the state-run media. Muhammad-Reza Ali-Zamani received a death sentence for his role in the June 12 election demonstrations. An IRGC member said Iran would “blow up the heart of Israel” if attacked by “American or Zionist missiles.” Secretary of State Clinton will discuss Iran and […]


CIA knew about Iran’s secret nuclear site for three years


Tehran warned against potential gasoline sanctions and said the country can break any embargo. A reformist website reported that an Iranian protester received a death sentence. Tehran sees a US role in an Iranian nuclear researcher’s disappearance.

Geneva talks spur regional diplomacy

In my last post I addressed the issue of Turkish involvement in the bilateral negotiations between the UN’s P5+1 and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In order to get a fuller picture of the geopolitical implications of these talks, it would be wise to take a look at some important regional developments: Israel A recent […]


US lawmakers are ready to impose additional sanctions if Tehran does not cooperate. Secretary of Defense Gates hinted at the existence of more secret nuclear sites. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei warned Iranians not to believe enemies’ efforts to downplay last summer’s election result.


US cutoff of funding to Iran human rights cause signals shift


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei claimed that Iran’s military advancement is not a threat to foreign nations. Iran’s atomic energy chief announced a new generation of faster centrifuges for enriching uranium at the Qom site. Iran’s central bank claimed success in selling oil for currencies other than the US dollar and hinted at secret talks to […]


Comment: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is running rings around the West


Tehran will allow the IAEA to inspect the Qom nuclear site on Oct. 25. US lawmakers are pushing for tougher sanctions following the IAEA’s newest report. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei issued a decree replacing top members of the Revolutionary Guard Corps.


A UN report indicates that Iran has “sufficient information to be able to design and produce a workable” nuclear weapon. Sixty-one percent of Americans support using force to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. A report indicates that President Ahmedinejad’s parents were Iranian Jews.


Report says Iran has data to make a nuclear bomb

Bring in the Turks: Why Turkey’s presence is needed in Geneva

Iran’s nuclear facility in the mountains near Qom. A new round of diplomatic concessions has come out of the negotiations yesterday between the United Nations’ five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany (P5+1) and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The biggest news coming out of Geneva is that Iran has agreed to open […]


Tehran agreed to open the enrichment site in Qom to IAEA inspections and also agreed to send enriched uranium to Russia. Nuclear talks will continue throughout the month of October. The US threatened to increase sanctions if the agreement is not kept. General McChrystal said Iran is having a a positive influence in Afghanistan.


Tehran meets with the US and its allies for nuclear talks today in Geneva. President Ahmadinejad said regional cooperation will ensure Iran’s national security. The chief energy commissioner said Iran will not import gasoline from Venezuela.


Iran ‘on the wrong side of the law,’ IAEA chief says