Tag Archives: Iran


The IAEA reported that Iranian scientists may have tested components of the nuclear warhead. Mohamed ElBaradei said IAEA inspectors found “nothing to be worried about” at the Qom nuclear site. Japanese and Canadian journalists have been arrested for reporting on the Nov. 4 riots.


Competing protesters took to the streets to commemorate the US embassy takeover 30 years ago. Iranian security forces arrested an Agence France Presse reporter covering Wednesday’s rally. UN nuclear chief Mohamed El Baradei said the goal of Tehran’s nuclear program is to allow the country to be seen as a regional power.

Uranium centrifuges and uranium bombs

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad tours a centrifuge facility. Iran reports having thousands of centrifuges spinning away to make fuel for their upcoming power reactors. Others think that Iran has it in mind to make weapons material using those same centrifuges. In fact, Iran could divert just 1% of its centrifuge production and have enough weapons-grade […]


Protesters clashed with government forces on the anniversary of the US embassy takeover in Tehran. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei rejected US offers for further negotiations and said any attempt to negotiate is “naive and perverted.” Littoral states gathered to discuss legal issues surrounding the Caspian Sea.


US Secretary of State Clinton urged Tehran to stick to the IAEA nuclear deal. The US Congress will publish an extensive study on Iranian military power. Kuwait announced its support for Iran’s “peaceful nuclear program.”

Blaming the bogeymen in Baghdad

Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki. Joel Wing critiques the Iraqi government’s response to the recent catastrophic attacks: In August, Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki tried to defer blame and distract public opinion from a domestic security failure by turning it into an international event. This time, the Iraqi government’s response was better at first. That […]


Tehran wants the IAEA to form a panel to review the plan to send nuclear fuel abroad. Two allies of opposition leader Karoubi were freed on bail. Iranian police made plans to confront illegal protests on the 30th anniversary of the US embassy seizure.


Iran to appoint clerics in all schools: Report


Senior Iran reformer freed on bail: report


Senior members of parliament opposed the UN nuclear fuel deal. Opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi encouraged his supporters to hold rallies on Nov. 4, the 30th anniversary of the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran. A senior Revolutionary Guards general said the “enemy” has failed to open a third front in Iran.


Iran told the IAEA that it will not ship uranium abroad for enrichment. The US Congress approved a new regimen of sanctions for Iran. Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani claimed the US was involved in the terrorist attack that killed 40 people, including six Revolutionary Guards commanders.


President Ahmadinejad hinted at cooperation with the UN over a nuclear deal, saying “we welcome cooperation on nuclear fuel, power plants, and technology, and we are ready to cooperate.” Supreme Leader Khamenei stated that the Islamic Republic is resistant to foreign meddling. Turkey urged a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear problem.


Tehran sought new amendments to the IAEA nuclear fuel deal. Behzad Soltani announced plans for Iran to seek nuclear fusion technology in the future. Iran and Venezuela announced plans to launch a joint oil company.


Remarks by President Ahmadinejad hint at Iran’s hardened stance towards the IAEA on the nuclear program. Pakistan released 11 Iranian detainees in an act of good faith. Tehran welcomed Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to the country.


Iran: Foreign agents behind Iraq, Pakistan, Iran attacks


The IAEA has started inspections at the Qom nuclear site. An Iranian member of parliament warned the nation to beware of America’s efforts to “cheat” the Islamic Republic. Turkish President Erdogen said that the West is treating Iran “unfairly” in nuclear negotiations.


Iran’s interior minister asked Pakistan to turn over the leader of Jundallah. Security forces detained 35 members of families of anti-regime protesters, including women and children. Followers of opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi clashed with police.


A senior Iranian member of parliament cast doubts on the uranium fuel arrangement. The interior minister will meet with officials in Pakistan to discuss the recent attacks by Jundallah.


Israel claimed it met with Iranian nuclear officials as part of the IAEA diplomacy effort. The IAEA said Iran and three world powers have until Friday to approve a nuclear agreement. Iran’s First Vice President, Mohammad-Reza Rahimi, said that new agreements had been reached to allow Chinese investment in Iran’s energy sector.


IAEA officials reported that Iran agreed on a draft agreement on shipping its uranium to Russia for enrichment. The UN Security council condemned last weekend’s suicide attack that killed six senior Revolutionary Guards commanders. The death toll in the attack has been raised to 57.


Jundallah: Profile of a Sunni extremist group


Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that sporadic conflicts in eastern parts of the country are caused by foreign agents. Mottaki further stated that Iran will never abandon its “legal and obvious right to nuclear power.” Tehran is wary of the French presence at nuclear talks with the IAEA.


Iran: Pakistan offers full cooperation in southeast bombing probe

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard commander points finger at US, Britain for suicide attack

An Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps poster. Photo from Trends Magazine. Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, is blaming the US and Britain for yesterday’s suicide attack that killed five senior IRGC commanders, including Brigadier General Nour Ali Shoushtari, the deputy commander for the IRGC’s ground forces, Brigadier Rajab […]