Tag Archives: Iran


Iranian police threaten fierce crackdown on protesters

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden™s missing family found in secret compound in Iran


In death, Grand Ayatollah could unify Iran’s opposition


President Ahmadinejad claimed that nuclear initiator documents are a US forgery. The US Joint Chiefs said that force must remain an option with dealing with Iran. The US will increase funding for Israel’s missile defense program.


Attacks halt Iran dissident cleric’s memorial service

Iranians mourn the death of Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazari

One of Shia Islam’s most revered jurists and theologians died over the weekend in Iran’s holy city of Qom. Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazari, aged 87, is said to have died of heart failure in his sleep on the evening of Dec. 19. From the Guardian: He was born into a poor peasant family in […]


Iranians mourn the death of opposition cleric Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazari. Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, called for a global atomic weapons ban in Tokyo.


Opposition cleric Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri died at age 87. A presidential aide said Iran has mastered the ability to enrich nuclear fuel to 20 percent. The chief of Iran’s nuclear program said the safety of the Bushehr nuclear plant is the top priority. Military prosecutors said three people were tortured to death in […]


The Iraqi Oil Ministry announced that Iran seized an oil well along the Iraq-Iran border. Iran announced a new model of centrifuges for its nuclear program. President Ahmadinejad criticized the US at the Copenhagen climate talks.


Not just drones: Militants can snoop on most US warplanes

US military aircraft video feeds compromised

This morning, The Wall Street Journal broke the deeply disturbing news that insurgent groups in Iraq and Afghanistan have the capability to monitor the video feeds from unmanned US observation and strike aircraft – the Predators and Reapers – using software that costs just $26. U.S. military personnel in Iraq discovered the problem late last […]


Western nations condemned Iran’s latest ballistic missile test. President Ahmadinejad arrived in Denmark for the Copenhagen climate talks. An Iranian official called on Pakistan to detain the leader of Jundallah and extradite him to Iran.


Iran successfully test-fired an upgraded version of the Sajjil-2 ballistic missile. The US House approved the Iran energy sector sanctions bill. Tehran said the US fuel sanctions move will fail.


Hamas says will unite with Iran if Israel attacks


Iran denied it is working on nuclear bomb components. The US pushed for a tougher sanctions regimen on Iran. Iranian nuclear officials announced that the Bushehr reactor passed its main tests.

Iranian nuclear weapons program advances

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad tours an Iranian centrifuge facility. This morning The Times of London ran a lead story reporting that Iran is engaged in testing a key final component of a nuclear bomb. According to “confidential intelligence documents” obtained by The Times, the Islamic Republic is completing work on a uranium deuteride (UD3) initiator-the […]


Iran™s President Ahmadinejad plays nuclear card to rally his fractured nation


British intelligence documents revealed that Iran is at the final stage of testing a key nuclear weapons component. Foreign Minister Mottaki said three American students will stand trial. Western officials decried Iran’s amended offer for a nuclear fuel swap.


Secret document exposes Iran™s nuclear trigger


The US rejected Iran’s offer to exchange nuclear fuel on Kish Island. The government blamed protesters for the burning of an image of Ayatollah Khomeini; protesters said the government staged the event. President Ahmedinejad said Iran “will always stand by the Palestinian resistance” during a meeting with Hamas in Syria.


Iranian scientist who vanished ‘gave nuclear secrets’ to UN inspectors sent to Qom site