Tag Archives: indonesia


Indonesian authorities have arrested the radical preacher Abu Bakir Bashir for links to the terrorist camp dismantled in Aceh in February. Bashir is the spiritual leader of the al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah terror group. He is suspected of leading the radical Islamist group, Jema’ah Ansharut Tauhid.


Indonesian anti-terror authorities have arrested two suspected terrorists in the town of Sukabumi in West Java. The anti-terror squad, Detachment 88, apprehended the men after they left an Internet cafe and were near their rented house. The suspects reportedly have links to a terror group based in Lampung, Sumatra.


More than 500 members of the Deobandi Islamic Defenders Front attacked an Ahmadiyah sect mosque in West Java. A court sentenced Putri Munawaroh to three years in jail for sheltering slain Jemaah Islamiyah and al Qaeda leader Mohammed Noordin Top.


Documents obtained from a slain Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist and interrogations of Abdullah Sunata have revealed that the al Qaeda-linked group had planned to attack Singapore’s subway system. A map of Singapore’s subway system found on the body of JI operative Ahmad Maulana had red markings and arrows identifying one targeted station. Jemaah Islamiyah was planning […]


Detachment 88, the Indonesian anti-terror squad, has arrested two men connected to Jemaah Islamiyah in West and Central Java. One suspect, Mu™arifin, who was arrested in a mosque, was connected to the hotel bombings in Jakarta in July 2009 and the killing of police officers. The other suspect, Warsito, had known of the whereabouts of […]


Mohammad Isa, a senior Al Qaeda operative, was captured by Indonesian authorities along with 10 other illegal immigrants from Afghanistan in northern Sumatra. Isa was posing as an asylum seeker with other immigrants to reach Australia. He is being held in an Australian-built detention center on Bintan island, near Singapore.


A court convicted blogger Mohammed Jibril Abdurahman for prior knowledge of the July 2009 suicide bombings at the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta. Abdurrahman, who calls himself the “Prince of Jihad” and was sentenced to five years in prison, emailed his brother in Saudi Arabia to tell his brother about an operation that […]


Abdullah Sunata’s arrest has revealed that his terror cell was planning to attack the Danish Embassy in Jakarta and the police headquarters in Depok, West Java, on July 1st, the police forces’ 60th anniversary. Noordin Mohammad Top’s father-in-law is on trial for providing financial support and hiding terrorist members of Jemaah Islamiyah.


Indonesian authorities have arrested Abdullah Sunata, the most-wanted leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, and two of his aides during a raid on his hideout in central Java. He was responsible for the formation of the terror cell in Aceh province has been largely dismantled, and served as a key link to the Abu Sayyaf Group. The […]


The founder and leader of the now disbanded Free Aceh Movement (GAM) has died of complications from respiratory and heart problems. Hasan Muhammad di Tiro was 84. He led GAM’s independence bid for Aceh for 25 years in exile from Sweden before the 2004 tsnunami forced an autonomy settlement.


Two Jemaah Islamyah activists have been sentenced to a combined 17 years for aiding and abetting two terrorists linked to the Marriott and Ritz Carlton bombings in Kuningan, Jakarta. One of the defendants, Aris Susanto, harbored two Jemaah Islamiyah terrorists in his relative’s home in central Java before the other defendant transported them to Jakarta.


Authorities have released due to lack of evidence one of the men accused of plotting a Mumbai-style terrorist attack that was to target the president and foreigners. The governments of Indonesia and China are discussing upgrading their military cooperation. Indonesia is offering non-lethal military aid in exchange for Chinese naval missiles.


Police arrested several al Qaeda operatives who said they planned on carrying out a Mumbai-like assault in Jakarta during President Obama’s upcoming visit on Aug. 17. The terrorists were to assault government buildings and hotels; murder government and foreign officials, including President Obama; and declare an Islamic state.


Police killed five terror suspects and detained one more on May 12 during a raid in in Cawang in East Jakarta. Police arrested three terror suspects during a raid on a safe house in Sukoharjo district in Central Java.


Jemaah Islamiyah founder Abu Bakar Bashir claimed he was the target of a police raid that netted five terror suspects in South Jakarta. Police raided the headquarters of the Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid, a group founded by Bashir in 2008.


A court sentenced Saefudin Zuhri, a Jemaah Islamiyah operative, to eight years in prison for harboring slain terror leader Noordin Mohammed Top in 2009. Zuhri is Top’s brother-in-law. Zuhri claimed he did not know Top’s identity when he sheltered him.


Police shot and killed two suspected Islamist extremists after a gunfight at a checkpoint in Aceh. Police are hunting Jemaah Islamiyah leader Umar Patek and other fighters in Aceh. More than 2,000 mourners chanted “Allahu Akbar” at the funeral for slain Jemaah Islamiyah bomb maker and leader Dulmatin.