Tag Archives: indonesia


Indonesia – Be careful of Arab-sponsored organizations: Nahdlatul Ulama


Somalia: Best way to free pirate-held Indonesians is ‘through negotiations’


Rise of smaller militant cells forces Indonesia to rethink terror strategy


The National Anti-Terror Agency chief said a series of four book bombings that wounded four people in Jakarta have been executed by Jemaah Islamiyah. “All three bombs’ intended recipients were the group’s enemies,” the anti-terror chief said.


Indonesia – Politician says program to convert Islamic sect is ‘regrettable’


Jemaah Islamiyah’s spiritual leader, Abu Bakar Bashir, told a court that training jihadists is an Islamic duty, but denied any involvement in setting up terror cells in Indonesia. Bashir is on trial for setting up terror camps in Aceh.


Indonesia – Churches destroyed after blasphemy sentence handed down


A Muslim mob rampaged in Java after a court passed down a five year sentence to a Christian accused of insulting Islam. The mob torched two churches and stormed the courthouse.


Detachment 88, Indonesia’s counterterrorism unit, detained Roki Aprisdianto during a raid in the village of Waru in Central Java. Aprisdianto is accused of being a member of a “terrorist groupterrorist group from Sleman, Klaten and Sukoharjo.”


A court sentenced seven members of al Qaeda in Aceh to jail terms of up to eight years. The al Qaeda operatives were planning to carry out assassinations and attack Westerners in Mumbai-styled terror attacks in Jakarta.


Police charged Abu Bakar Bashir, Jemaah Islamiyah’s spiritual leader, with inciting terrorism due to his involvement with an al Qaeda camp in Aceh. Bashir can receive the death sentence if convicted.


Police arrested wanted Jemaah Islamiyah operative Abu Tholut during a raid at his home in Central Java. Tholut has been involved in multiple bombings in Indonesia, established a training camp in Aceh, and is involved in fundraising and recruiting and training terror cells.