Tag Archives: indonesia


Rights Advocates Criticize Light Sentences in Sectarian Killings in Indonesia


National Anti-Terror Agency officials said that the army will begin assisting the police and the Detachment 88 antiterrorism squad to combat a “third generation” of terrorists emerging in 14 of the country’s 33 provinces. Within the past two years, over 700 terrorists have been arrested and others have been shot, and a terror training camp […]


Detachment 88, the national antiterrorism force, arrested five suspects in Jakarta and two in Surabaya who were allegedly engaged in terrorist activities in the two cities as well as smuggling weapons into Indonesia from the Philippines.


An Indonesian court has begun the trial of Abu Tholut, a senior Jemaah Islamiyah operative. Tholut procured M-16 assault rifles and other weapons for a training camp run by al Qaeda in Aceh.


A court found Abu Bakar Bashir guilty of “committing a criminal act of terrorism” by supporting a terrorist group in Aceh, and sentenced him to 15 years in prison. Bashir is the co-founder and spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah.


Police arrested 16 “terrorist suspects” over the past five days who were involved in the shooting of policemen. The suspects were detained in Pekalongan, Kutai Kertanegara, Jakarta, Central Sulawesi, and Bandung.


Police arrested six members of he so-called “Islamic State of Indonesia” during a raid in Ungaran in Central Java. Jemaah Islamiyah leader Abu Bakir Bashir accused the court of jailing him at the behest of the United States.


Police are hunting for members of a terrorist group in Cirebon who were planning to attack a mosque on a military base and several police stations. Two members of the group have been killed and 13 more have been detained.


Counterterrorism police believe they killed Sigit Qordhowi during a gunfight in Sukoharjo, Central Java last weekend. Sigit is a suspect in the December 2010 attack on a police station as well as several church bombings. He has also appear in a jihadist propaganda tape.


Abu Bakir Bashir, the leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, said Osama bin Laden was going to “heaven” but denied links to the terror chief. “I don’t know if it’s [his death] true, but if he is dead, God willing he will go to heaven.”


The Islamic Defenders Front met to hail Osama bin Laden’s death as a martyr; attendees rallied to cries of “Destroy… America!” A security official said that a terrorist network had been prepared in Pakistan for Umar Patek, the Indonesian operative arrested in Abbottabad earlier this year. The defense minister said Patek had sought to meet […]


Detachment 88, Indonesia’s counterterrorism police, arrested 19 suspects involved in a series of book bombings and a plot to blow up a church in Serong over Easter weekend. Police found a suspected bomb factory in Aceh.

Al Qaeda

WikiLeaks discloses new details on whereabouts of al-Qaeda leaders on 9/11


The Islamic militants arrested yesterday for plotting to bomb a Catholic cathedral near Jakarta during Good Friday services planned to film the explosion and broadcast it, Indonesian police said. The 19 suspects, described as “all in their 30s and many of them university graduates,” include some who may have participated in previous attacks.


Police arrested 19 terror suspects involved in a plot to blow up a church over Easter weekend in Serpong; police found a massive bomb at the gas pipeline leading to the church. Police said Jemaah Islamiyah spiritual leader Abu Bakir Bashir may have masterminded the recent attacks in the country.


Indonesia: Most of Jakarta police force to protect churches from terror during Easter