Tag Archives: indonesia


Twenty members of Jemaah Islamiyah, including Abu Dujana and Zulkarnain, trained on the slopes of a volcano on Java Island just this year, according to the confessions of suspects captured in raids last week.


Accused Jemaah Islamiya Terrorist’s Questions Go Unanswered at Gitmo


Indonesia’s terror network dangerous, well-organized despite arrests


Indonesia police believe they are on the trail of Abu Dujana, the man behind the Bali and Jakarta bombings. A new group called the National Islamic Front has been established to “facilitate dialogue with radical Islamist groups and Communist leaning groups.”


Indonesian police from the Detachment 88 anti-terror squad captured men from Abu Dujanah’s Jemaah Islamiya terror network, however it is unclear if Dujanah himself was captured. The government denied Noordin Mohammed Top was captured. Six were arrested and 1 killed in the raid.


Abu Rusdan, a senior leader of Jemaah Islamiya, warned that further attacks in Indonesia by splinter groups are likely even though past bombings “divided the militant movement… and pointed to a possible opening for authorities trying to further isolate extremists.” Rusdan is a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.


Fourteen were wounded after a small bomb packed with “small iron nails of about 2cm each” was detonated as passengers were exiting a ship at a port of Ambon in the Moluccas islands. The Islands were the scene of Muslim-Christian fighting that claimed 5,000 lives from 1999-2002.


An Indonesian ‘militant’ was ordered to behead 3 Christian schoolgirls in Poso. “He had joined Tanah Runtuh to learn to recite the Koran, but then had been trained in military skills.” Indonesian authorities are on high alert for terrorist activities in Poso. Jailed Bali bombers have been found with cell phones.


(Indonesia) Former Militia Leader Warns Jihad Could Start Outside Poso


The U.S. and Australia issue travel warnings on Indonesia, where Christmas and New Year’s attacks are feared. Indo intel chief Syamsir Siregar discounts the advisories. JI head Abu Bakar Bashir calls on Muslims to not disturb Christians during the holiday. Indonesian Supreme Court overturns Bashir’s conviction for his involvement in the 2002 Bali attacks.


Malaysian Terrorist Suspect Poses Christmas Threat In Indonesia


Head of Golkar’s religious committee, Yahya Zaini, resigns after cellphone sex video with singer and Golkar youth wing leader Maria Eva spreads across the Internet. Eva, who had an abortion and is now under investigation for “indecency,” rides publicity wave and appears on numerous TV shows. Meanwhile, Playboy Indonesia editor begins his own indecency trial […]


Polygamy debate rekindled after Indonesia’s version of an Islamic Dr. Phil, hokey TV host Aa Gym, takes on a second wife. Meanwhile Golkar party’s religious affairs committee chief, Yahya Zaini, caught on cellphone video in a romp with a famous singer.


Abu Sayyaf field commander captured in Zamboanga Peninsula


Terrorist attacks feared for US President’s visit to Indonesia


Since October, Indonesia released over 60 terrorists, including some connected to the Bali bombings. A Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) operative is sentenced to 3 years in prison for sheltering Noordin Top. JI leader Bashir calls for peaceful protests against President Bush’s visit.


The wife of Abu Sayyaf commander Dulmatin has disclosed the names of six members of Jemaah Islamiyah active in the Philippines. Police captured a bomber and believe they have averted further attacks in Mindanao.


A small bomb is detonated at an A&W restaurant in Indonesia. The bomber is believed to have been seriously wounded in the attack and is in custody. Thousands of Indonesian Islamists, including members of Hizbut Tahrir, protested President Bush’s upcoming visit to the country.