Tag Archives: indonesia


Police are hunting Jemaah Islamiyah leader Umar Patek in Aceh. Patek is believed to have entered Indonesia from the Philippines with Dulmatin and Zulkarnaen sometime in the past year. Indonesia’s National Police turned down the $10 million reward offered by the US for killing Dulmatin.


President Yudhoyono confirmed that Bali bombing mastermind Dulmatin was one of three terrorists killed during a raid outside of Jakarta on March 9. Dulmatin was a top Jemaah Islamiyah commander and bomb maker, and was wanted by the US for killing seven Americans in Bali in 2002.


Indonesia’s elite counterterrorism police unit, Detachment 88, believes it may have killed wanted Jemaah Islamiyah bomb maker and leader Dulmatin during a raid outside Jakarta. Dulmatin trained in terror camps in Afghanistan and masterminded the 2002 bombings in Bali that killed 202 people. The US has a $10 million reward out for Dulmatin’s capture.


Police detained four suspected terrorists during a raid on a training camp in the province of Aceh. More than 50 terrorists were thought to be training at the camp, which has been linked to al Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiyah. Police found weapons, uniforms, and terrorist propaganda at the camp.


A court is prosecuting Mohammad Jibril Abdul Rahman for his role in aiding last year’s suicide attacks that targeted posh hotels in Jakarta and killed 11 people. Rahman is accused of having ties to Jemaah Islamiyah and Tandzim al-Qaedat Indonesia, the al Qaeda splinter group formerly led by Noordin Mohammed Top, who was killed during […]


An Indonesian court will prosecute Putri Munawaroh, the wife of al Qaeda leader Mohammed Noordin Top, who was killed by security forces in September 2009. If convicted, Munawaroh could face up to 20 years in prison for “harbouring terrorists and concealing information about terrorist activities.”


The US Embassy in Jakarta issued a warning about the threat of a possible terror attack in the resort town of Bali. “Extremists may target both official and private interests, including hotels, clubs and shopping centres,” the warning stated.


Bahrudin Latif, the father-in-law of the late terrorist Noordin Mohammad Top, was arrested in a predawn raid in West Java. Latif, who is also known as Baridin, helped Top evade police detection shortly before Top masterminded the July 2009 Jakarta hotel bombings.


Police announced that forensic examination of the two men killed last week in a raid south of Jakarta will identify them as wanted terrorists Saifuddin Zuhri and his brother Mohammad Syahrir. The brothers are suspected of recruiting men for the July 17 bomb attack in Jakarta. Saifuddin was considered a successor to Noordin Mohammad Top, […]


Indonesian police raided a house in the southern outskirts of Jakarta, killing two members of the Tandzim al-Qaedat Indonesia and discovering several small bombs. Killed were Syaifudin Djaelani and his brother, Mohamad Syahrir, who were suspected of recruiting the suicide bombers who bombed the Marriot and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta on July 17.


Suicide bomber recruiter Syaifudin Zuhri bin Ahmad Jaelani, Jemaah Islamiyah military leader Zulkarnaen, bomb specialist Dulmatin, and operative Mohamad Syahrir are thought to be the prime contenders to replace Noordin Mohammed Top as the leader of the Tandzim al-Qaedat Indonesia. Top, who was killed by police on Sept. 17, is thought to have been sodomized […]


Indonesia: terrorists recruit teens at sports clubs, schools


Counterterrorism police killed wanted Jemaah Islamiyah and al Qaeda leader Mohammed Noordin Top and three of his aides during a raid in Central Java. In addition to Top, wanted terrorists Bagus Budi Pranoto, Ario Sudarso, and Hadi Susilo were also killed. The four men made up most of the senior leadership of the Tandzim al-Qaedat […]


Indonesia’s national police chief said Mohamad Jibril, a top suspect in the July bombings in Jakarta, was trained by Jemaah Islamiyah in camps in Pakistan. “Jibril received military training from several Jemaah Islamiyah activists for about a year, from 1999- 2000,” General Bambang said.


ICG: Noordin Mohammad Top’s network is large and extensive


Indonesian bombing suspect a jihad magazine publisher and webmaster


Police arrested Muhammad Jibril, who is suspected of financing the July bombings in Jakarta. Jibril is a member of Mohammed Noordin Top’s Tandzim al-Qaedat Indonesia. Police also detained Ali Muhammad bin Abdullah, a Saudi national who is also suspected of raising funds for the Jakarta bombings.


Indonesia: Police question Saudi suspect over Jakarta attacks