Tag Archives: india


Pakistani Hindus flee to India claiming persecution

Al Qaeda

Jailed doc who helped nail Bin Laden warns Pakistan sees US as ‘worst enemy’


Pakistani Public Opinion Ever More Critical of US | Pew Global Attitudes Project


The supreme court upheld the 2010 death sentence of Mohammad Kasab, the lone surviving attacker of the 2008 Mumbai assaults. The LeT operative was convicted of more than 80 charges.


Internet Analysts Question India’s Efforts to Stem Panic


Pakistan – Country under grave threat of terrorism on Eid, says Malik


Officials complained about text messages allegedly sent from Pakistan that sparked panic in a number of Indian cities and triggered clashes in Assam. India blamed several Pakistan and Bangladesh-based terrorist groups, including the Harkat ul Jihad al Islami and Jamiat-e-Islami, for launching the “cyberattack” and blocked 245 websites that contain doctored images and videos.


India – Videos doctored in Pakistan sparked NE exodus: Government


Indians from Assam flee ‘Muslim threats’ in Bangalore


Notices were posted in mosques in Kashmir’s Shopian district warning that women who failed to cover their faces would be doused with acid and women who used cellphones would be shot. The notices were signed by the al-Qaeda Mujahideen and mentioned another group, the Lashkar-e-al Qaeda.


Pakistan – Persecution forces 60 Hindu families to migrate to India


Pakistan swelling nuclear arsenal to counter India, says US Congressional report


‘Secret’ tunnel connecting India, Pakistan unearthed in J&K