Tag Archives: india


Abu Abdul Rehman al-Ansari, the leader of al-Qaida Fil Hind or al-Qaida in India, said Kashmir and Jammu would be the launchpad for jihad in India. “The statement mentions insurgencies in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Somalia, the Palestinian territories and Algeria and describes them as a global Islamic movement ‘aimed at wiping out borders […]


Third suspect in the Mecca Masjid blast detained


(India) Protests across Andhra as blast toll reaches 16


“A powerful remote-controlled bomb” tore through the Mecca mosque in Hyderabad during Friday prayers, killing 12 and wounding over 50. Three other bombs were found and defused. No group has claimed credit for the attack. New Delhi is on high alert after the blast.


Three “Lashkar-e-Taiba” guerrillas arrested in India


India renews pressure on Pakistan over militants


Police arrested 7 suspects for involvement in the Samjhauta train bombing. Pakistan forcefully evacuated 7 Pakistanis wounded in the bombing. India will question Pakistan’s support of Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Moahmmed leaders during the first Indo-Pak Joint Terror Mechanism meeting.


The Samjhauta train bombing suspects used napalm and timers for the devices. India suspects the bombers were conducted by Jammat-ud-Dawa, the successor to Lashkar- e-Taiba. Indian police are investigating a link to Kashmir. India will not conduct a joint investigation with Pakistan


India security officials suspect Pakistani based “sleeper cells of Lashker-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed” are responsible for yesterday’s deadly train bombing which killed 68. Sketches of the suspects have been released. Police are looking at a possible link to last year’s Ahmedabad railway station bombing, which has not been solved. The Indian Army is deploying to rail […]

Bombs detonated on the Samjhauta Express

Aftermath of the Samjhauta Express bombing. Click to view more images at the Hindustan Times. Two bombs kill 67, 15 wounded, 12 critical on Pakistani-Indian rail India has suffered yet another mass-casualty attack on its rail lines. Terrorists planted up to five bombs on the Samjhauta Express, a rail that transports travelers to and from […]


Sixty-five Indians were killed in a bombing of a train heading to Pakistan. Two suitcases filled with explosives have been discovered. Indian security expert B Raman notes the similarities to the Mumbai and Malegaon attacks, and suspects the attack is meant to derail the Indian-Pakistani peace talks.


(India) Malegaon blasts aimed at spurring Muslims against Hindus


A bomb exploded in a crowded bus station in the state of Assam, killing two people and wounding 10, police said. The United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is suspected.


India raises the ante on its space program


Indian authorities on alert for suspected al Qaeda assassination plot that targets Congress President Sonia Gandhi, whose security has been tightened. Indian press reports indicate the cell is led by a Pakistani named Sajjad (alias Ashique), operations chief of United Jehad Council, which Indian intel sources claim was set up by al Qaeda and Pakistan’s […]


India says Sri Lanka’s LTTE has close links with Indian terror group


An explosion at an Assam train station killed 3 and wounded 10. Two suspected LeT operatives were arrested outside New Delhi “with explosives and a large amount of cash.” LeT cadres are being trained to target oil installations and other vital infrastructure remain at risk.


India holds 10 suspected Dawood gang members


Five are killed and over 60 wounded in a train bombimg in West Bengal. Authorities are trying to determine if the bomb was planted or a suicide bomb. The attack occurs as Chinese Premier Hu Jintao is conducting a state visit.


India tests a nuclear-capable ballistic missile