Tag Archives: india


20,000 scholars term terrorism un-Islamic: Declaration issued at Darul-Uloom Deoband


LeT plot to blow up Bombay Stock Exchange foiled, six held


Five Pakistan-based Lashkar, Hizbul insurgents killed in Indian-administered


The Hindu : National : Nasir can help unravel HuJI network in India

The State of Jihad: 2007

A year-end roundup of the major developments in the Long War in the primary and secondary theaters across the globe.


Sketch of another suspect in Indian serial blasts released


Six bombs — three in Varansi, two in Faizabad, and one in Lucknow — were detonated at courts within 15 minutes, killing 14 and wounding over 50. The Pakistani-based Jaish e Mohammed and the banned Bangladesh-based Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islamia (HuJI) are suspected to be behind the attacks.


A bombing at a theater in Ludhiana in Punjab province killed six and wounded 26. The Ludhiana bombing followed a blast in Ajmer on October 11, which killed three and wounded 28. Security has been stepped up in New Delhi after the bombings.


Bomb kills two at Indian Muslim pilgrimage site


Six bombs found near Mumbai train station


Hyderabad blasts: Second suspect identified


Police have released a sketch of one of the Hyderabad bombers. Shahid Bilal, the mastermind of the Hyderabad bombings, is wanted in connection to a 2005 shooting of a professor. The Hyderabad police commissioner said sleeper cells exist inside the city.


Police found 19 unexploded bombs throughout Hyderabad one day after two bombings killed 43 and wounded over 80. Investigations into past bombings have stalled after the trail led to foreign terror groups such as HUJI or LeT. India said that after Iraq, it has suffered more terrorist casualties than the West combined since 9/11.


Two bombings in Hyderabad killed at least 42 and wounded 50. The blasts, which were just five minutes apart, occurred at an auditorium and a restaurant. Harkat-ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI) operative Mohammed Abdul Sahed is suspected of being behind the blasts. HUJI is a Pakistani-based terror group which operations in Jammu and Kashmir, and India.


India has arrested 15 suspected foreign Muslim terrorists with possible links to Thailand’s Muslim insurgency. Police warned that Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) has established sleeper cells in India to launch attacks inside the country.