Tag Archives: india


Police made eight arrests in yesterday’s multiple bombings in New Delhi. Techie Abdul Subhan is thought to be behind the attacks. The Indian Mujahideen used an unsecured wireless network in Mumbai to send the e-mail warning of the attack to media outlets. The Indian Mujahideen threatened to strike in Mumbai.


India police raid slums, relatives angry after bombs


Police detain several suspects in New Delhi blasts


Indian police detained 10 suspects thought to be behind the Ahmedabad bombings last month. Abu Bashir, who is believed to be the cell leader, was also captured. All the suspects were active members from the banned Students’ Islamic Movement of India.


Police arrested three terror suspects with links to the Students Islamic Movement of India and defused 18 bombs in the city of Surat. Police also defused three crude bombs in Rajasthan. Phoned in bomb hoaxes created panic in Kerala.


Bombings may threaten India-Pakistan relations


The death toll in yesterday’s serial bombings in Ahmedabad climbed to 49. Police found undetonated bombs in the cities of Ahmedabad and Surat. Police arrested a member of an extremist Wahabi group that founded the Pakistani-based Lashkar-e-Taiba. Investigators said the bombers are using a TNT-ammonium nitrate mix as a replacement for RDX to mask the […]


At least six low-intensity explosions wounded more than 20 people in Ahmedabad. Police found a large, unexploded bomb in a shopping mall in Bangalore while searching for clue in yesterday’s string of bombings that killed six people. Police said that yesterday’s smaller bombs were assembled by professional bomb makers who used timing devices set to […]


India, Pakistan, Fighting ‘Proxy Cold War’ in Afghanistan


Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the risk of terrorists obtaining nuclear weapons is increasing. The banned Students Islamic Movement of India has been in touch with terrorist groups that have been behind attacks in India.

Al Qaeda

Deoband fatwa terms terrorism an enemy: All kinds of ‘unjust violence™ rejected


Sketechs of four more suspects in this week’s bombings in Jaipur have been released. The cell behind Jaipur attacks is likely the same Harkat ul-Jihad Islami cell behind the November 2007 bombings in Uttar Pradesh. The Students Islamic Movement of India is believed to be behind the bombing of a courthouse in Hubli on May […]


(India) Two suspects arrested after Jaipur blasts


A group called the Indian Mujahideen took credit for yesterday’s bombings in Jaipur and said the attacks were intended to disrupt the tourist economy. The group sent videos to the media using an e-mail address that is nearly identical to the one used to announce the attacks in Uttar Pradesh in November 2006. Police released […]


Eight bombs were detonated in the tourist city of Jaipur. More than 80 have been killed and 200 wounded in the attacks. Security officials suspect the Bangladesh-based Harkat ul Jihad al Islami, an al Qaeda affiliate, as being behind the attacks.


Top commanders of Hizbul Mujahideen killed in Indian-administered Kashmir