Tag Archives: india


Pakistan spy chief to aid Mumbai investigation


US pact leaves PM Maliki stronger than ever


Mumbai: Army preparing for final assault, says Major General Hooda


Mumbai: Fresh explosions at Taj hotel, hostages rescued


HuJI man from Pakistan emerges as kingpin


Nine foreign nationals killed in terror attacks in Mumbai


A terrorist at the Oberoi hotel demanded the release of jihadis in Indian prisons in exchange for hostages. “We want all Mujahideens held in India released and only after that we will release the people,” a man named Sahadullah told a media outlet. “Release all the Mujahideens, and Muslims living in India should not be […]

India’s financial capital under terror siege

Bombings, gunfire in Mumbai shut down the city as terror teams attack throughout the city. More than 100 people have been reported killed and more than 900 wounded. The Indian Mujahideen claimed credit for the attack.


India: ‘Police need military tactics to counter terrorism™


Taliban’s Spiritual Fathers Denounce Terror. Could Taliban Be Next?


Officials: India Bombers Had Outside Help


The Indian Mujahideen took credit for the Oct. 30 serial bombings in Assam. The death toll has risen to 77. Police are investigating possible links between HuJI and UFLA in the attacks.


Serial bombs kill at least 48 in India’s Assam state


North-Eastern India: Mosque Closed Due To Islamic Militants


The Indian Ambassador to the UN advocated for tougher measures to fight al Qaeda and the Taliban, and called for an end to moral equivalence and the legitimization of terror groups. “The escalating civilian death toll [in Afghanistan] is truly distressing, but the ultimate responsibility for such casualties must be laid at the door of […]


Four Indians were killed and 76 were wounded in a string of four near-simultaneous bombings at major markets in Agartala, the capital of Tripura state. Police believe Harkat ul-Jihad-i-Islami-Bangladesh is behind the attack.


Police detained 12 men believed to be involved in yesterday’s bombing in New Delhi that killed two, including a child, and wounded 22. Two men dropped the bomb off of a motorcycle in a market. Police also detained two men for making a call threatening follow-up attacks in the capital.


New Delhi flower market blast kills boy


Similarities emerge in Marriott, Indian Embassy blasts


Land of Gandhi Asserts Itself as Global Military Power


Two terrorists, including a senior leader in the Indian Mujahideen, were killed in a shootout with police in southern New Delhi. The suspects were behind last week’s bombing in New Delhi that killed more than 20 civilians. One policeman later died of gunshot wounds.


Abdul Subhan Qureshi has been identified as the leader of the Students™ Islamic Movement of India and the mastermind of the New Delhi and other attacks this year. Interpol has been alerted about Qureshi, who is called India™s Osama bin Laden. Seven suspects have been detained for involvement in the Delhi bombings.


India suggests Pakistani hand in New Delhi blasts