Tag Archives: india


Armed forces capable of ‘surgical strikes’ in Pakistan, Kashmir

Pakistan’s Jihad

By Bill Roggio & Thomas Joscelyn. In the war on terror, Islamabad is both with us and against us. Originally published in The Weekly Standard magazine.


Police detained two suspects in the Mumbai attacks. Al Qaeda may attack the city of Goa. The government may establish a Federal Investigating Agency to fight terrorism.


ISI playing key role for Pakistan national security: Gilani


ISI involved in attacks, alleges Indian media


Five terrorists involved in the Mumbai terror attack may still be at large. India will await the outcome of the international community’s efforts to track down the plotters of the Mumbai attacks. The Lashkar-e-Taiba is confident Pakistan will not turn over their leaders to India. Security has been tightened at airports after yesterday’s gunshot scare.


Rice urges ‘robust’ Pakistani response to Mumbai attacks


Police denied reports of shootings at the main airport in New Delhi, yet it does appear some shots were fired in the airport. Indian intelligence sources claim India and the US have proof of ISI involvement in the Mumbai terror strike.


Indian forces told to prepare for attacks from air, sea


Deccan Mujahideen threaten to attack Indian airports


Pakistani TV Channel: Mumbai Attack Hatched By Hindu Zionists


Mumbai attacks: al-Qaeda plotter behind Bali bombing linked to terror attacks, Bombay, india


The Director of US National Intelligence implicated Lashkar-e-Taiba in last week’s Mumbai attack. Fourteen members of Lashkar-e-Taiba that trained the Mumbai assault team in Pakistan are still unaccounted for. Police defused another RDX bomb left over from last week’s attack in Mumbai, this time at the train station. Two policemen were wounded while arresting a […]


India demanded Pakistan turn over 20 wanted terrorists. The military has not ruled out military action in Pakistan. Pakistan fears India may strike Lashkar-e-Taiba’s complex in Muridke. India is not interested in conducting a joint probe with Pakistan on the Mumbai attack.


Pakistan to respond to Indian wanted list


In Wake of Attacks, India-Pakistan Tensions Grow


US, India Pressure Pakistan to Cooperate in Mumbai Probe


India demands Pakistani sign of faith | Reuters


Analysis: Mumbai fallout could destabilize region


India demanded Pakistan take “strong action” against groups behind the Mumbai attack. The Indian military said no orders were issued to mobilize forces. The fishing boat transporting the Mumbai terrorists was stopped by the Coast Guard, but the terrorists were released after flashing fake identification badges. An Indian Muslim council refused to bury the Mumbai […]


Were intelligence warnings over Mumbai attacks ignored?