Tag Archives: india


Pakistan: India involved in attack against Sri Lankan cricket team, report claims


India sends elite commandos to protect embassy in Pakistan


Pakistan Colonel Sadatullah charged in Mumbai attack admits he works for communication company


The Pakistani colonel charged with involvement in the Mumbai terror attack is a senior officer in the Army’s Special Communications Organization. Mumbai’s police chief said there is no evidence of the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence agency’s involvement in the Mumbai attack.


Pakistani Army colonel ‘was involved’ in Mumbai terror attacks


India has charged two purported Pakistani Army officiers, six senior Lashkar-e-Taiba leaders, and 30 other operatives for involvement in the November 2008 terror assault on Mumbai. The Pakistani Army officers were identified as Major General Saab and Colonel R Saadat Ullah. Lashkar-e-Taiba founder and leader Hafiz Saeed was also charged.


India’s Army chief said surgical strikes into Pakistan “are definitely feasible.” The chief minister of Gujarat province said the Mumbai terror attacks could not have been carried out without internal help. FBI officials may be witnesses in the trial of the captured Mumbai terrorist.


Pakistan claims Mumbai attack planned outside: Report


India goes for ‘urgent’ purchase of anti-tank missiles


Police killed two armed terrorists during a chase and shootout in a suburb outside of New Delhi. Before he died, one of the men admitted both terrorists were from Pakistan. “Police have found two AK-47s, 4 magazines, 120 bullets, 5 hand grenades, [money], detonators, 9 RDX rods and a rucksack” in the car, a police […]