Tag Archives: india


Militants overtake India as top threat to Pakistan, says ISI


Kashmir youths take on the Indian state as separatist struggle starts again

Al Qaeda

Lahore, the Taliban’s new target; Ahmed Rashid losing faith in Pakistan’s future

Al Qaeda

US admits ISI-Taliban links, assures India role in Afghanistan not diminished


New sanctions crimp Iran’s shipping business as insurers withhold coverage


‘Most wanted™ militant killed in Indian-Administered Kashmir


India claims that the Pakistani Navy directly trained the Lashkar-e-Taiba members who carried out the 2008 terror assault on the city of Mumbai. The information reportedly came from the interrogation of LeT operative David Coleman Headley.


Police have uncovered a network of 14 Taliban-style sharia courts in the state of Kerala that are operated by the Popular Front of India. The network is backed by Wahhabists in the Gulf. During raids, police found al Qaeda tapes, Islamist documents, and explosives.


Indian foreign minister to press Pakistan on Mumbai probe in talks


India’s home minister claimed Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate was “literally controlling and coordinating” the 2008 terror assault on Mumbai “from the beginning till the end,” and Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed was also intimately involved in the attack. Saeed “was not a peripheral player,” the minister stated. “He knew everything.”