Tag Archives: india


India – Threat to blow up JN Stadium, BSE keeps cops busy


The Indian Mujahideen, a front group for the Lashkar-e-Taiba, threatened to launch biological attacks in the state of Assam if its demands are not met. “Free all our Jihadi brothers who are in Central Jail, Guwahati, stop all activities against Jihad in Assam, stop all project of [development] in Assam,” an email to an Indian […]


Iran struggling to contain ‘foreign-made’ ‘Stuxnet’ computer virus


Commonwealth Games 2010: Athletes warned of rising terrorism threat


ISI’s sudden turnaround: Says terror bigger threat than India


India – Police: No terror angle in Jama Masjid incidents


Despite terror threats, Mumbai gets into festive mood


Police have warned citizens of Mumbai to be on the lookout for two foreign terrorists. Photos of Kalimuddin Khan and Hafiz Sharif have been released to the public and police believe the two men have been sent to the city to carry out attacks.


India to route aid for Pak flood victims through UN agencies


Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s former leader in Afghanistan and top financial official, claimed al Qaeda carried out a bombing at a German bakery in Pune. Yazid, who was killed in a Predator strike in Pakistan in May, created a videotape claiming credit for the attack.


Indian police probe massive explosives theft