Tag Archives: hezbollah


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has been relieved of commanding the terror group’s military wing by Iran’s Supreme leader, according to reports. Hezbollah denied the claim. North Korea may have provided arms and training to Hezbollah. More than 50 Australian Muslim men are being investigated for links to Hezbollah.


Hezbollah raises specter of long Lebanon power void – Reuters

Al Qaeda

Interview With New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


Hezbollah’s Nasrallah flogs Israel, vows no internal fighting, suggests direct poll for president

Senior Qods Force link captured in Karbala

Coalition forces capture a senior member of the Special Groups with direct links to senior members of Iran’s Qods Force. Raids against the Iranian-backed network continue and are increasingly being led by Iraqi Security Forces.


Hezbollah justifications for rocket attacks on Israel ‘had no legal basis under laws of war’


Mehdi fighters ‘trained by Hizbollah in Lebanon’


Israel is braced for new attack a year after war with Hezbollah


Nasrallah: Hezbollah doesn’t want another war with Israel


An anonymous Hezbolllah officer said the terror group would have been defeated in Lebanon in the summer of 2006 war had the Israelis pressed the attack for 10 more days. “The cease-fire acted as a life jacket for the organization” as Hezbollah had been running low on food and water and facing rapidly diminishing arms […]


Three Lebanese soldiers were killed in the latest fighting against Fatah al Islam in the Nahr al Bared Palestinian refugee camp; 119 soldiers have been killed since fighting began on May 20. Lebanese troops found tunnels under the camp used as escape routes.


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said the terror group crushed Israel’s plans to create a greater Israel, possesses weapons to attack all of Israel, and planned last summer’s kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers three months in advance. The IDF dismissed Nasrallah’s claims that its weapons can strike northern Tel Aviv.


Olmert ‘failed severely’ in Lebanon war, says report


Roadside bomb explodes near UNIFIL peacekeepers in South Lebanon


Report: Israel, Hizbullah move towards prisoner exchange

Iran, Hezbollah train Iraqi Shia “Secret Cells”

Ali Mussa Daqduq, a Hezbollah operative, captured among others Ali Mussa Daqduq, click to view. Iran’s involvement in funding, arming, and training the networks of Shia terrorist in Iraq has been an open secret in Iraq for years. The issue came to a head last winter when Coalition forces began heavily targeting the Iranian networks […]


Captured Hezbollah agent helped plan deadly Karbala raid