Tag Archives: hezbollah


UNIFIL: Lebanese arms cache a ‘serious violation’ of ceasefire


Iranian exile speaks out against militia he once supported


The Hezbollah Brigades, the Iraqi branch of the Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah, said it was proud of being designated as a terrorist entity by the US government. “Classifying us on the American terror list means that we are still marching on the right path,” the group said in a statement.


Hezbollah retains strong support despite opposition defeat in polls

US releases Iraqi Shia terror group leader

Laith-Qazali.JPGLaith al Qazali, the brother of Qais Qazali and a leader of the Qods Force-backed League of the Righteous, a Mahdi Army splinter group, was set free as part of negotiations to secure the release of five British hostages.


The US Treasury Department added two Africa-based Hezbollah officials to the Specially Designated Global Terrorist list. Kassim Tajideen is “an important financial contributor” whose brother is a military commander in Lebanon. Abd Al Menhem Qubaysi is based out of Cote d’Ivoire, serves as the personal representative of Hassan Nasrallah, and helped establish an official Hezbollah […]


Hezbollah rejects link to Lebanon ex-PM Rafiq Hariri’s murder


Investigators for the United Nations special tribunal believe Hezbollah was behind the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, but have withheld the evidence. Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah claimed Israel is preparing to assassinate him prior to the upcoming election on June 8.


US, UK officials take aim at Hezbollah’s weapons during Security Council debate


17 with links to Hezbollah arrested on drug trafficking charges


Investigators believe the Hezbollah cell in Egypt planned to carry out three major bombing operations in tourist areas of Egypt. The 49 suspects arrested in Egypt in connection to the cell will appear in court next week. Israel warned Israeli businessmen in Europe to return home because of the threat of a terrorist attack by […]