Tag Archives: hezbollah


Hezbollah leader defends decision to bring down Lebanon’s government


After government collapse, Hezbollah works to get more power in Lebanon


Lebanon – Proposed ban on sale of land between Muslims and Christians sparks controversy


The UN reportedly has proof that Hezbollah was directly involved in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. Indictments of Hezbollah officials are rumored to be coming by the end of the year.


Cleric’s anti-US forces poised for gains in Iraq


Israel – Gov’t concerned French arms for Lebanese Armed Forces will go to Hizbullah


Survey: Muslims offer mixed views on Hamas, Hezbollah, reject al Qaeda


Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, said that the terror group would not turn over any members accused in the assassination for former Prime Minister Hariri. “We will cut off the hand that tries to get to them,” Nasrallah said.


In a statement released on the Internet, al Qaeda in Iraq threatened further attacks in the country. “What they have seen in that night is the beginning of the downpour, and one day out of many bloody days awaiting them,” the terror group said.


Iran brokers behind-the-scenes deal for pro-Tehran government in Iraq


Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, presented Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad with a rifle captured from an Israeli soldier during the 2006 war. The two leaders met at the Iranian embassy in Beirut. Ahmedinejad vowed to continue to support Hezbollah.


Iranian President Ahmedinejad denounced the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and said it was trying to “frame” and defame Hezbollah. The US said Hezbollah has shown it is more loyal to Iran than the people of Lebanon.