Tag Archives: hezbollah


Bahrain accused Hezbollah of training Shia opposition members at camps in Iran and Lebanon. “Evidence confirms that Bahraini elements are being trained in Hezbollah camps specifically established to train assets from the Gulf,” a government report said.


Hezbollah denied reports that its members are fighting alongside Libyan rebels against President Gaddafi’s regime. “Hezbollah denies such accusations and considers them as baseless,” the terror group said in a press release.


The Israeli military released a map detailing the location more than 950 bunkers, underground facilities, and storage units for munitions built by Hezbollah since the 2006 war in southern Lebanon. “Many of these terror centers are located near hospitals, private homes and schools,” the IDF said.

Al Qaeda

Intelligence on Libyan opposition shows “flickers” of al-Qaeda, says top NATO commander


In Lebanon, Hezbollah is watching, and waiting out, the Arab uprisings


WikiLeaks: Bahrain opposition ‘received training from Hizbollah’


The US Treasury Department identified The Lebanese Canadian Bank and its subsidiaries as a financial institution of primary money laundering concern under Section 311 of the USA Patriot Act. The Treasury said the bank launders money for an international narcotics trafficking network and supports Hezbollah activities.


Moshe Yaalon, Israel’s minister of strategic affairs, said Hezbollah agents are infiltrating into Gaza via Egypt to aid Palestinian terror groups in attacking Israel. Yaalon said Hezbollah created a special unit, called 1800, to work with Palestinian groups.


Seizing a moment, Al Jazeera galvanizes Arab frustration