Tag Archives: Hamas


Hamas manufacturing rockets capable of reaching central Israel


IDF’s lessons from last Gaza conflict: Buy new tank carriers, train troops away from front lines


Islamist students vow to fight PA crackdown in West Bank


The Gaza border region: “A totally different sector”


Hamas-ruled Gaza suffers drop in aid from Iran, foreign charities because of Syrian civil war


With ties to Iran in shambles, Hamas finds new ways to rearm

Pillar of Defense versus Cast Lead, 6 months after

In the six months since the end of Operation Pillar of Defense, only 41 rockets and mortars have been fired from Gaza and the Sinai toward Israel. After the earlier Operation Cast Lead, however, over 200 were fired in the six months following the operation.

More Palestinian kidnapping plots thwarted by Israel

Israeli authorities announced the arrest of 14 Palestinian terrorists from two separate terror cells operating near Hebron. One cell, which was tied to Hamas, had nine members and was planning a kidnapping operation. The other cell, affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, had five members.


Wild rumours of Hamas interference in Egypt find audience