Tag Archives: germany

Al Qaeda

US drone ‘kills eight Germans’ in Pakistan amid terror plot fears

Al Qaeda

Britain upgrades European travel advice due to rise in terror threat


Investment a ‘success story’ in Iraqi Kurdistan

Rise in Predator strikes in Pakistan aimed at foiling Mumbai in Europe

According to Sky News, the recent spike in US Predator strike in Pakistan (21 this month) can be attributed to an attempt to foil Mumbai-like terror assaults in major European cities: Intelligence agencies have intercepted a terror plot to launch Mumbai-style attacks on Britain and other European countries, according to Sky News sources. Sky’s foreign […]


Turks believe focus should be on Middle East and away from Europe


Islamist threat to Germany is growing say police

Longtime al Qaeda operative runs mosque closed by German authorities

Mamoun-Darkazanli.jpgGerman authorities closed down the Taiba mosque in Hamburg earlier this week. The mosque was formerly known as Al Quds, and was home to al Qaeda’s Hamburg cell for the 9/11 attacks. The imam in charge of the mosque, Mamoun Darkazanli, has been tracked by Western intelligence services for almost two decades.


German authorities closed down the Taiba mosque in Hamburg, which was used to facilitate the Sept. 11 attacks on the US. “We have closed the mosque because it was a recruiting and meeting point for Islamic radicals who wanted to participate in so-called jihad or holy war,” a spokesman for Hamburg’s state interior ministry said.