Tag Archives: germany


Prosecutors charged a man holding dual German-Turkish citizenship with supporting al Qaeda. The man, identified only as Adnan V., wanted to bring “jihad to Germany” and tried to procure items to make a bomb.


Germany – ‘Terror warnings are risky for every interior minister’


German shipowners turn to mercenaries to protect against pirates


‘Germany is encouraging trade with Teheran’ – Israeli diplomat


‘A decisive transformation’: Berlin exudes optimism in extending Afghanistan mandate


Islam now considered ‘a threat’ to national identity by almost half of French and Germans, according to new poll


German authorities conducted simultaneous raids today in the states of Bremen, Lower Saxony, and North Rhine Westphalia against suspected “Salafist networks” that may be attempting to impose an Islamic state. The raids targeted two groups: the Islamic Culture Center of Bremen; and Invitation to Paradise, in Brunswick and Monchengladbach. The German Interior Ministry said the […]


Germany alleges Pakistan of airing terror for political gains

Al Qaeda

Scotland Yard’s anti-terror strategy: ‘We had a sense of our vulnerabilities’