Tag Archives: Ganj Madrassa

Treasury Department sanctions 3 jihadist facilitators based in Pakistan

The US Treasury Department designated three jihadist facilitators who work for Sheikh Aminullah, a key al Qaeda and Taliban facilitator based in Peshawar, Pakistan. All three have allegedly facilitated Aminullah’s travels to the Gulf, where he has presumably raised funds. Two of the newly-sanctioned jihadists have been tied to operations in Afghanistan.

Treasury Department: Charity run by Scottish-born jihadist an al Qaeda ‘front organization’

The Treasury Department has added the Scottish-born James Alexander McLintock to the US government’s list of specially designated global terrorists. McLintock’s charity, Al Rahmah Welfare Organization (RWO), is allegedly a “front organization for al Qaeda” that has been used to fund al Qaeda, the Taliban, and Lashkar-e-Taiba. Social media sites associated with McLintock and RWO have documented their operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and elsewhere.

US drone strike kills mufti of Islamic State Khorasan Province

Jalaluddin, the former mufti for Khorasan Province, rose thought the jihadist ranks in the Afghan-Pakistan region and was mentored by Sheikh Aminullah, an influential Taliban leader and al Qaeda facilitator, before defecting to the Islamic State. He taught at the Ganj Madrassa, which is listed by the US as a terrorist facility.

US adds Al Furqan Foundation to list of terrorist entities

The so-called “charitable organization,” which is based in Pakistan and Afghanistan, funds al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the Taliban. Sheikh Aminullah, a dual-hatted al Qaeda and Taliban leader who runs a “terrorist training center” in Pakistan, has been funded by Al Furqan.

Treasury designates al Qaeda leader, madrassa

The US Treasury Department today designated al Qaeda’s leader in the Sindh and Balochistan provinces, as well as the Ganj Madrassa in Peshawar, Pakistan. The madrassa is “controlled” by an al Qaeda facilitator who also serves the Taliban and recruits for Lashkar-e-Taiba.