Tag Archives: France


French ex-hostage of ISIL ‘knows’ James Foley’s killer


Foreign Minister Fabius warned that the Islamic State’s ambitions extend beyond the Middle East, and said France wants the UN Security Council nations as well as countries in the region to join the fight against the Islamic State. President Hollande said the world security situation was at its gravest since 2001, and called for an […]


Eight men armed with Kalashnikovs ambushed a Saudi Embassy convoy as it headed to Bourget airport outside Paris. The attackers stole a vehicle, a suitcase filled with 250,000 euros, and allegedly “sensitive” diplomatic documents, but did not harm the members of the convoy, including an unnamed Saudi prince.


UK prime minister: Our generational struggle against a poisonous ideology


President Hollande promised that “in the coming hours” France will deliver weapons to Kurdish forces in Iraq fighting the Islamic State. Interior Minister Cazeneuve said nearly 900 French citizens have traveled to Iraq or Syria to fight, and that some of them have joined the Islamic State.


President Hollande’s office said France would soon beginning delivering first aid supplies to civilian victims of the Islamic State in Iraq. A French diplomatic source yesterday said France might offer technical support to Kurdistan forces but not military assistance.


Antisemitism on rise across Europe ‘in worst times since the Nazis’


Hollande Pledges French ‘Support’ for Forces Fighting Iraq Jihadists


French police arrested a 37-year-old French-Moroccan jihadist at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, shortly after the man arrived from Istanbul after being expelled by Turkish authorities. The Arles native was allegedly conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks in France.


Interactive: France’s new game plan to counter jihadism in Africa


Gaza Conflict Seen as Providing Cover for Anti-Semitic Attacks in France


A French media report based on leaked documents indicated that suspect Ali M., an Algerian butcher in Vaucluse, corresponded for a year with a senior member of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb over a plot to bomb the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and a nuclear power plant; he was arrested in June before he […]


France set to prevent jihadists going to fight or train abroad


Abderazak Cherif, a Frenchman of Tunisian origin from Nice, told news media that his 17-year-old son left the Al Nusrah Front in Syria and crossed the Turkish border to rejoin his father; Cherif’s older son is still in Syria fighting with rebels. The 17-year-old was arrested on his return for belonging to a terrorist group […]