Tag Archives: France


French Foreign Minister Benard Kouchner made a surprise visit to Mali to aid in the negotiations with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb for the release of the French national, Pierre Camatte. AQIM is demanding the release of its members held in Mali prisons in exchange for the French national, and have set a Feb. […]


Gates: Iran™s nuclear program puts Middle East in danger


France – Petrol attack on actress in Muslim-themed play


A French physicist of Algerian decent who works at the CERN facility at the Franco-Swiss border has been charged in a French court. Anti-terrorism magistrates in Paris have filed preliminary charges against the 32-year-old man for various terrorist offenses, including contacting Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb operatives and interest in committing terrorist attacks.

Al Qaeda

French al-Qaeda suspect ‘alluded to attacks’, magistrate claims


The older brother of the two Algerian brothers arrested in Vienne in southeastern France is a physicist for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland. CERN is best known for its building of the particle collider that aims to recreate the conditions of the “Big Bang.” The brothers were in contact with Al […]


French police have arrested two Algerian nationals in the southeastern town of Vienne. The men are suspected of having links to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The two arrested Algerian nationals are brothers.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb warned that it would attack France over its stance on banning the burqa. “We will take revenge for the honour of our daughters and sisters against France and against its interests by every means at our disposal,” said Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, the leader of AQIM.


French leader in Iraq to heal rifts, push business


Suspected Islamist militants tried in France over bomb plot


France’s Sarkozy calls to tighten sanctions on Teheran


Tariq Ramadan was detained, charged and ordered to trial in France after insulting a police officer


French Authorities Dismantle Network of Fighters Bound for Iraq


France arrests 11 in Iraq recruitment probe