Tag Archives: France


Security forces are on full alert in Paris after receiving credible threats of a female suicide bomber planning to attack in the city’s transport system. Also, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris has been given bodyguards after he received “real threats.”


France on full alert for suicide bomb threat on Paris transport


Turks believe focus should be on Middle East and away from Europe

AQIM claims to have killed 9 French commandos in raid

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s latest press release has claimed that the group killed nine French special force commandos from the General Directorate for External Security, or DGSE, during a joint Mauritanian-French raid on an AQIM camp in northern Mali. The raid was bold attempt to free a French national, Michel Germaneau. With the […]


President Sarkozy has confirmed the killing of French national Michel Germaneau by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and has sworn that his murder “will not go unpunished.” The French government felt it was their “obligation” to attempt to free Germaneau after the AQIM abduction was “not preceded by the slightest beginnings of a dialogue […]


Syria – School ban on all-covering veil raises nary a peep among activists in the Middle East


Risk-tolerant China investing heavily in Iraq as US companies hold back


France: Iran nuclear programme source of ‘concern™


Nine suspected terrorists have gone on trial in Paris for acquiring illegal weapons and planning attacks in the country. Two affiliated groups, one based in Besancon and another in Carcassonne, conducted paramilitary training together. The group consists of one Algerian, four Bosnians, and four Frenchmen.


Judges in Paris have submitted preliminary charges against nine people, including two with prior terrorist convictions. The men were plotting to free Smain Ali Belkacem, an Algerian, who was convicted in 2003 for bombing a Paris rail line in 1995. Belkacem been charged for directing the group’s effort to free him.


Security forces arrested 14 “militants” accused of plotting a jailbreak. The men were attempting to free Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, an Algerian convicted of plotting to bomb the Paris metro. Police also detained 12 men involved in sending jihadists to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda

Europe’s antiterrorism agencies favor human intelligence over technology


Authorities have arrested a French-Moroccan man in a Paris suburb who is suspected of leading a terrorist cell in Morocco with intentions of conducting high-profile assassinations and espionage. The prosecutor’s office has already filed preliminary charges against Ahmed Sahnouni for “criminal association with the goal of preparing terrorist actions.”


Nicolas Sarkozy ally ‘received death threats’ over Muslim veil ban