Tag Archives: France

Al Qaeda

British terrorists ‘offered safe house by al-Qaeda-linked French gangsters’


Israel – Gov’t concerned French arms for Lebanese Armed Forces will go to Hizbullah

Al Qaeda

Nicolas Sarkozy launches attack on Pakistan over terrorist safe havens


Police arrested five terrorism suspects in Paris and the suburbs who are thought to have trained at al Qaeda camps in Pakistan’s northwest. Several of the suspects are also thought to have sent death threats to the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris.


Police arrested two brothers accused of having “links to a criminal enterprise with a view to preparing a terrorist act.” Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux said 27 of 85 terror suspects detained this year remain in custody.


‘Emir of the south’ Abu Zeid poised to take over al-Qaeda in NW Africa


French court: Terror suspects must have lawyers during questioning


Saudi intelligence officials warned France of a plot by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to carry out attacks in Europe, and specifically in France. The information was confirmed by French Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux, who said “The threat is real and our vigilance is total.”